RAISEonline Training & Fischer Family Trust Training
Our company has been offering training in RAISEonline and Fischer Family Trust since RAISEonline was released.
Our staff have professional expertise and highly experienced educationalists across all sectors and are at your service to satisfy all of your needs.
Our training and consultancy sessions are expertly designed to provide advice and practical solutions to support Local Authorities, Schools and Senior Management Teams in capacity building and school improvement.
We are committed to working with all stakeholders in education to help improve the quality of education, the standards achieved by pupils and the learning environment for children and young people.
We firmly believe that wise investment in staff training and development is one of the most effective means of sustaining school and organisational improvement.
Training is delivered through STAT Solutions Ltd, who have provided Statistical Data Analysis and consultancy services to Local Authorities since 2004.
STAT Solutions Ltd consultancy service also provide high-quality management information to support the Local Authority, OFSTED, LA Inspection, the Annual Performance Assessment and the Joint Area Review.
Services offered by STAT Solutions Ltd.:
• To gather data for statutory data returns, particularly school performance data.
• To devise systems for the collection, entry and verification of data to provide an accurate and timely base for research, planning, monitoring, reporting and the processing of returns
• To analyse and present data using appropriate statistical techniques and tools (Excel, SPSS etc), in particular to support the assessment of the effectiveness of institutions and the target setting process
• To liaise with schools on data transfer
• To contribute to the production of School Performance Profiles, in particular to design and process validation and verification checks.
• To liaise with government departments and other agencies on data requirements.
• To produce reports within agreed deadlines
• To advise Headteachers and other managers on the innovative use of performance data to support the target-setting process
• To organise and undertake data entry onto computer of large complex datasets within deadline
• To set up easily accessible and maintainable summaries of institution, borough and area-level data to facilitate fast responses to enquiries
• To analyse social trends, demographic, census, ACORN/IDAC and related statistical data and present this as management information, contributing towards the posting of electronic files on the extranet and Fronter.
• To assist in collection, maintenance, validation, data-cleansing programming and reporting of pupil-level data as arises from linking information-sharing systems with other agencies or directorates through the implementation of the Common Assessment Framework (CAF).
• To produce statistical algorithms based on analysis of central dataset and contribute towards a programme of ‘modelling risk’ in seeking prior identification of groups of pupils at risk of social inclusion and under-achievement.
• To produce area profiling & thematic mapping to aid joint service provision through priorities outlined in the Children & Young People’s Plan.
• To undertake projects agreed with the Research Manager
• To produce Contextual Value Added scores by vulnerable pupils.
• To analyse Fixed Term and Permanent Exclusions by the characteristics of excluded pupils such as age, gender, ethnicity etc.
If you would like to know more about our services, or have a comment or suggestions please email us: at info@raiseonlinetraining.co.uk