Video Testimonials from our Latest
Inspection Dashboard and Progress/Attainment 8 course!
I thoroughly enjoyed this training, the dashboard is an effective analysis tool.
Jenny Lewis (Headteacher), Thornhill Primary School Tel: 020 7607 4162
One of the most practical and relevant training sessions I have attended as a headteacher.
Fiona Lawson-Ross (Head teacher), Long Marston CE Primary School Tel: 01904 738352
The training was a thoroughly comprehensive overview of the Inspection Dashboard.
Clare Willcocks (Assistant Head), Riverside Primary School Tel: 01752 365297
This was extremely useful as an introduction to the way the new dashboard works.
Theresa Madden (Deputy Headteacher), St Thomas More School Tel: 01270568014
Highly recommended
Amanda Gable (AHT), George Spicer Primary School Tel: 020 8363 1406
A great course! Thank you.
Beverley Gardner (Trust Executive Headteacher ), Trinitas Academy Trust Tel: 01322 441371
An extremely useful course very skilfully delivered covering all aspects of Inspection Dashboard. Would highly recommend.
Catherine Harris (Deputy Heateacher), The Academy At Shotton Hall Tel: 0191 518 0222
Excellent course! All leaders must attend – they will be able to make sense of the data dashboard and drive standards in areas that are needed and make an even bigger impact!
Vicki Weekes (Assistant Head Teacher/Assessment Leader), Marsh Green Primary School. Tel: 0208 270 4984
Todays course was extremely interesting and useful and I have learnt an extrodinary amount about Raiseonline and using the dashboard. I would thouroughly reccommend this course to anyone wishing to further their knowledge and skills, particularly members of the senior leadership team
Ruth Bradley (Teacher TLR), Riverside Primary Academy Tel: 0191 460 1918
The opportunity to ‘walk through’ every step. It was so useful to be able to ‘do it’ in real time with someone as experienced as consultant. Her expertise and patience was very much appreciated. Feeling in a much better place to report and support other senior leaders and governors.
Susan Hawes (Inclusion Leader), SBC Schools Tel: 01642 646001
Very well explained and consultant was very good.
Harprit Rhode (Assistant Principal), North East Wolverhampton Academy Tel: 01902 623111
Very knowledgeable and adaptable trainer – definately one of the best.
Peter Kilbey (Assistant Principal), Arden School Tel: 01564 773348
The course was excellent, I feel really confident in going back to school and talking about our school data and what it means. I also feel really knowledgeable about progress 8 and the impact it will have for us.
Helen Lawrence (Assistant Head), Westwood Academy Tel: 01926 747100
The course and presenter were highly informative and I feel much more confident in data interpretation.
Sasha Bailie (Academic Director), Duke of York’s RMS Tel: 01304 245023
The presenter was brilliant, very helpful and clear in explanations.
Hannah Njie (Senco & Teacher of The Deaf), Chestnuts Primary School Tel: 01908 373748
I found this course very beneficial and detailed and feel much more confident in relation to analysing ROL.
Amanda Warriner (Deputy Head), Parkside Primary School Tel: 0208 559 4278
Great information and course that really helps to connect the dots.
Jody Specht (SAHT/Senco), St Clare’s School Tel: 01332 511757
Excellent for understanding the new measures, using relevant examples and exercises.
A Rice (Data Consultant), Hasmonean High School Tel: 020 8203 1411
It was one of the best training I have had in a long time. I feel more confident on Progress and Attainment 8.
Abdul Alim (Head of Science), Sir John Cass Tel: 020 7790 6712
An excellent and informative course for all schools!!
Shai Panchal (2nd In Maths & Data Manager), Blessed Hugh Faringdon Catholic School Tel: 0118 957 4730
Fantastic Powerful Training which is relevant to my day to day role in school. This training means I now have knowledge and confidence to support our school in moving forward.
Lieanne Smith (Deputy Headteacher), Riverside Primary Academy Tel: 0191 460 1918
A pacy, but very informative training providing overview of key sections of RAISEonline web site and reports.
Aileen Gurney (Year 5 Teacher), Vernon Primary School Tel: 01625 872556
It was an excellent day, thank you.
Alison Lusuardi (Deputy Head ), Featherstone High School Tel: 020 8843 0984
Very practical and useful
Alan Williams (Headteacher), Glebeland School Tel: 01502 677354
Fantastic- a wealth of information that I didn’t think I’d be able to get to grips with today but by the end of the session I’m feeling confident.
Alice Clark (English A Level Coordinator), Sir John Cass Foundation and Redcoat Cofe School Tel: 020 7790 6712
Very well presented training course with clear explanations of the various reports in RAISEonline.
Alison Ranson (Exams & Data Manager), Magdalen College School Tel: 01280 846300
Very informative training.
Alison Whitnall (Deputy Head), The Brier Tel: 01384 816000
Very informative and useful course.
Amanda Christophi (Assistant Head/Senco), Hampton Hargate Primary Tel: 01733 296780
Trainer was very informative and clear in presentation, I especially liked when he spoke of his experience in particular areas of assessment.
Amanda Marquis (Exams & Assessment officer), Eastlea Community School Tel: 020 7540 0400
An informative course.
Amani Shaban (Lead In Pyschology, Philosophy & Religious Studi), Petchey Academy Tel: 020 7275 1500
Useful session, well paced and clearly explained.
Anastasia Neocleous (Assistant Head Tecahers), Chase Side Primary School Tel: 020 8363 1120
Up to date, relevant, practical and useful.
Alison Harrison (Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher), Yohden Primary School Tel: 0191 586 3096
A very useful day that gave us the opportunity to understand the full capacity of RAISEonline.
Andrea Cassius (Headteacher), Suffolks Primary School Tel: 020 8804 1534
The trainers knowledge was exepctional. Very well delievered and now feel I can use raise online confidently.
Andrew Gowell (Assistant Head), Bristol Gateway School Tel: 0117 377 2275
Excellent! Very informative & presented in a way we all understood!
Andrea Symonds (Head Teacher), Rainbow Primary School Tel: 01274 221400
I used to hate data, now I feel I have an understanding of what I am looking at.
Andrew Howe (KS1 Leader), Greenland Community Primary School Tel: 01207 232 147
A fantastic course. I am going away having learnt so much about how to use the Dashboard to really know and understand my school. I feel empowered to be able to use the date to move my school on. We have booked this course for the SMT so that we are all in a position of knowledge about the school.
Judith Harvey (Deputy Head Teacher), St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Tel: 01444 452584
I have found the day comprehensive and extremely helpful. I feel equipped to go back into school and effectively analyse the dashboard report and share with governors. The trainer consultant communicated each section very clearly.
Natalie Sanchez (Headteacher), Marsh Green Primary School Tel: 0208 270 4984
Good, clear and informative explanations.
Andrew Martin (Deputy Headteacher), Hayle Community School Tel: 01736 753009
Useful to know we are doing the right things with data!
Andrew Mchale (AHT Pastoral), St Robert of Newminster Catholic School and Sixth Form Tel: 0191 561 3810
Many thanks – a very useful day out!
Andrew Walmsley (Deputy Headteacher), Biddick Academy Tel: 0191 561 3680
Informative and detailed to help analysis and identify strengths and the next steps.
Andy Lyons (Headteacher), Hampton Hargate Primary School Tel: 01733 296780
Very informative. good balance in how data presented, allowed for ‘smart’ discussion between those attending.
Andy Taylor (Headteacher), Parkside School Tel: 01535 272752
Fantastic training by a fantastic presenter. consultant explained eveything so clearly and at an appropriate place.
Angela Eberle (AHT for Inclusion), George Spicer Primary School Tel: 020 8363 1406
Really useful day!
Angela Maber (Assistant Head Teacher), Selwyn Primary School Tel: 020 8471 6173
Very useful.
Anesta Mccullagh (DP), Havelock Academy Tel: 01472 602000
This is a very useful course in the strategic development of the school.
Angela Anderton (Deputy Headteacher ), Yarnfield Primary School Tel: 0121 693 0362
Our trainer was engaging and explained everything simply.
Angela Forbes-Jones (Hos for Years 4,5 & 6), Saint Anthony’s School Tel: 01753 645828
Very useful training session. It was an eye opener.
Abdul Alim (Deputy Head of Science & Head of Biology), Sir John Cass Secondary School Tel: 020 7790 6712
This was one of the most useful days I have spent on data! Really accessible, a patient and knowledgeable trainer and very detailed support. Thank you!
Angela Folland (Headteacher), St Nicholas School Tel: 01392 445403
Consultant was very amiable and courteous, answering all questions and endeavoring to find out the answers to questions we had.
Anita Ellis (Deputy Headteacher), Royal Wootton Bassett Academy Tel: 01793 841900
The course was extremely informative & the trainer very knowledgable which supported my understanding. I am more confident about looking at RoL data & need to share this back at school with leaders at all levels.
Ann Marrs (Acting Head), Stoke Primary School Tel: 024 7645 1724
Very useful and informative training.
Anna Jackson (Exams & Assessment Administrator), Lord Williams’s School, Thame, Oxon Tel: 01844 210510
Really useful day- clear, well presented.
Anna Pendleton (Deputy), Rednal Hill Infant School Tel: 0121 453 2636
The presenter kept us engaged and interested throughout the day and took time to ensure all on the course understood and extended their knowledge.
Anne Rosemond (School Business Manager), St Edward’s Catholic Primary School Tel: 020 8472 4337
Advanced my knowledge in all aspects of Raiseonline. This is essential training to create a data literate Leadership and Management team.
Ann Walker (Deputy Head of Primary), Kettering Science Academy Tel: 01536 532700
A very useful and insightful session, thanks!
Anna Theodosiou (Headteacher), Bush Hill Park School Tel: 020 8366 0521
Very clear and supportive tool.
Anton Matthews (Class Teacher), Woodstock School Tel: 0117 377 2175
Feel equipped to analyse data thoroughly using ROL and in turn, making a positive impact on school development.
Anton Dworzak (Deputy Head), English Martyrs Catholic Primary Tel: 0118 937 5466
This has been a really useful day; the content was clearly explained and all questions dealt with in a supportive manner.
Becky Marrs (Deputy Headteacher ), Nene Valley Primary Tel: 01733 897517
Great course which really helped me focus on the areas of focus once I return to school.
Barry Burningham (Deputy Head), The Nobel School Tel: 01438 222600
Absolutely fantastic in terms of content and delivery!
Ben German (Senco / Director of Learning Support), Cleeve Park School Tel: 020 8302 6418
An absolutely fantastic piece of training, thank you.
Belinda Langley-Bliss (Assistant Headteacher), Hounsdown School Tel: 023 8086 2981
Useful training in a time of change!
Benjamin Grange (Senior Assistant Prinicipal), Ormiston Sir Stanley Matthews Academy Tel: 01782 88 22 00
Very informative , the trainer included us in discussions and answered questions.
Beryl Wiseman (Director of Curriculum & Achievement), The Link School Tel: 0191 562 3200
Very useful for a group of colleagues of ‘mixed ability’. All is covered everybody leaves enriched!
Beverley Williams (Principal), Belfairs Academy Tel: 01702 509000
In one day almost completes a full SWOT analysis that has helped me confidently identify strengths & weakness in my academy; started from knowing very little about RAISEonline.
Barnaby Grimble (Director of Science), City Of London Academy Tel: 020 7394 5100
The course translated Raise from an externally driven tool for scrutiny into an internally driven tool for school improvement. It was a lightbulb moment to know we can adapt the tooks ahead of national publication.
Beverly Jones (Headtecher), Coleridge Community College Tel: 01223 712600
Excellent training provided by the organisation.
Calvin Mathys (Resource Provision Asd Manager), Calverton Primary School Tel: 020 7476 3076
A really useful course, my head is now buzzing with information!
Carly Edmonds (Assistant Head Teacher), Hollycombe Primary School Tel: 01428 741332
Useful for Senior or Middle leaders / Data staff who need to understand how P8 and A8 works.
Carla Prince (Deputy Head), Central Foundation Girls’ School Tel: 0208 981 1131
Excellent training that converted theory to practice. Lots of practical advice to take back to school leadership.
Caroline Lingwood (Deputy Head), Townsend School Tel: 01727 853047
Fantastic and informative presentation!
Caroline Headley (Raising St&ards Leader KS4), Carlton Bolling College Tel: 01274 633111
A great day and very informative, thank you!
Caroline Webb (Assistant Head), Ludlow Infant Academy Tel: 02380 433422
I found the course very informative and it gave me confidence and expertise to look at and interpret data.
Catherine Pantelli (Head of School), Chase Side Primary School Tel: 020 8363 3729
The training is excellent with a trainer who made me feel confortable so I could ask as many questions as I needed to.
Charlotte Purcell (Maths Subject Leader), Christ Church Streatham Tel: 020 8674 4308
A very useful, informative day that makes the daunting task of analysing data an enjoyable experience!
Chantal Pampellonne (Lead Assistant Headteacher), St Edward’s Catholic Primary School Tel: 020 8472 4337
Very useful training presented very well by somebody with very good understanding.
Chris Bell (Data officer), Havelock Academy Tel: 01472 602000
Thorough explanation of RAISEonline and Ofsted expectations.
Charmaine Lister (PA), West Gate School Tel: 0116 255 2187
Very informative and well-delivered introduction to RAISEOnline.
Chris Bond (Leader of Learning), George Spicer Primary School Tel: 020 8363 1406
Fanatstic! I wish I’d been to this course years ago!
Chris Parkhouse (Deputy Headteacher), Grove Road Community Primary Tel: 01423 506060
Very clear navigation through the reports which made it all so accessable.
Christabelle Whiteley-Tye (Headteacher), Hopton C.E Primary School Tel: 01502 730489
Cat Brooker (Assistant Head), Belfiars Academy Tel: 01702 509000
Accessible and great clarity in presentation.
Christine Ratcliffe (Deputy Head), Hounsdown School Tel: 023 8086 2981
Very useful and most importantly practical so I could get my head around the data and how it works.
Ciaran Cusack (Head of Geography), John Cass Redcoat Tel: 020 7790 6712
Fantastic! Extremley valuable great interactive reports and now the graphs and charts make more sense!
Claire Caldwell (Headteacher), Forest Lodge Primary School Tel: 0116 2871220
Very clear training that was presented in a way which allowed us to explore with support.
Clare Dutfield (Class Teacher), St Anthony’s Catholic Primary School Tel: 01753-645828
Excellent training for the leadership team and wider staff. Well presented and answered all of our questions.
Clive Lawrence (Associate Headteacher ), Birch Wood Special School Tel: 01664 483340
Very informative day! I now have a clearer vision of how we can effectively utilise data back in school.
Cormac/Jody Murphy/Harkett (English Subject Leader/ Deputy Head), Twydall Primary School Tel: 01634 231 761
An excellent day’s training – thank you!
Damien Turrell (Headteacher), Brownlow School Tel: 01664 562315
Presenter was very engaging, very knowledgable and touched on his experiences to deliver a course that passed on lots of valuable information in a short space of time.
Craig Follett (HOf Maths), Ridgeway School Tel: 01752 338373
This course met my expectations and then some! As a new Data Manager with less than 6 months experience in a school environment, it was great to get to grips with the new measures and be able to calculate these.
Craig Harrison (Sims & Data Manager), Grace Academy Darlaston Tel: 0121 568 3300
Consultant’s knowledge, support and enthusiasm are outstanding and have enhanced my understanding of using Raise.
Dan Ching (Slt – Phase Leader Year 4 & 5), Worcesters Primary School Tel: 020 8363 7860
The course has left me confident that I can quickly identify key data for analysis and action planning to underpin school improvement.
Daniel Lockwood (Senior Assistant Head), Hall Mead School Tel: 01708 225684
Very well explained and now have a much better understanding
Daniel Stenhouse (Business Manager), Penby High School Tel: 0151 342 0570
A fantastic course delivered excellently!
Danielle Payne (Teacher), Chestnuts Primary School Tel: 01908 373748
I am pleasantly surprised that 3 hours of data training was so useful and delivered so humourously! The training has helped me enourmously as having already sat and listened in other environments, it was interactive which helped my understanding.
Carol Bonner (DHT), Cleeve Park School Tel: 020 8302 6418
An essential course for anyone involved in data management in schools. The course provides excellent ways of presenting data and arguing your corner to governors and OFSTED as well as tools for driving change through middle management.
Dave Malbon (AHT), The Albany School Tel: 01708 441537
An interesting insight into RAISEonline.
David Airey (Head of School), Venerable Bede Academy Tel: 0191 5239745
A great insight into what information Ofsted have prior to coming into the school.
David Fitzsimmons (Assistant Headteacher), Streetfield Middle School Tel: 01582 661342
We found this training extremely useful. We will be using what we have learnt today in developing our data collection and presentation.
David Couch (Principal), Hamiton Lodge School and College Tel: 01273 682362
A highly informative day.
David Kemp (Assistant Head), Reaside Academy Tel: 0121 675 7235
Really worthwhile. Clear explanation with valuable opportunities to check my understanding. Left feeling much more well informed and confident.
David Eagleton (Head of Sixth form), The Petchey Academy Tel: 020 7275 1500
Our trainer, consultant, led us through the enormously complex site with clarity, good humour and in an enormously helpful and supportive way.
David Ogle (Deputy Head Teacher), Woodside Primary Academy Tel: 020 8520 5168
Data can be a mind melt – the session will help you sleep well at night.
David Lucas (Vice Principal), Coopers School Tel: 020 8467 3263
It was a fantastic course, very hands-on. consultant made it very easy for everyone involved!
David Nicholas (Maths Leader), St Edward’s Catholic Primary School Tel: 020 8472 4337
Really useful and clear advice.
Dawn Burke (Director of Studies), Chancellor’s School Tel: 01707 650702
Very informative day.
Dawn Wellings (Sixth form Lead), Hallmoor School Tel: 0121 783 3972
Extremely useful training, particularly in terms of measuring the impact of Pupil Premium interventions.
Debbie Rainer (Assistant Headteacher), St Anthony’s Catholic Primary and Nursery Tel: 01753-645828
This training really clarified my understanding of RAISEonline and navigating the website.
Deirdre Monaghan (Headteacher), St George’s Primary School Tel: 020 8422 1272
This is a great course that provided quality cpd for my senior staff. Thank you.
Desmond Tinch (Acting Headteacher), Streetfield Middle School Tel: 01582 661342
Very thorough and helpful information.
Emily Williams (KS1 Co-Ordinator), Bayards Hill School Tel: 01865 761656
A worthwhile course. I’m very glad I atended. his will be useful in my work at school.
Donna Nicholas (Senior Assistant Headteacher), Bush Hill Park Primary School Tel: 020 8366 0521
A very useful introduction to RAISEonline and the way it can be used to identify areas of focus.
Duncan Milner (Upper Key Stage 2 Leader), Hampton Hargate Primary School Tel: 01733 296780
The attitude, knowledge and advice given by the trainer for our school was first class and provided much to take away and think about!
David Sands (Information Systems Leader & Examinations officer), Carlton Le Willows Academy Tel: 0115 956 5008
This training was extremely useful and has given me the confidence to present school data for my subjects with more conviction.
Dominic Johnson (Reading/ Pupil Premium Coordinator), St Edward’s Catholic Primary School Tel: 020 8472 4337
Very information and well presented.
Duncan Rayney (Head of Physical Education), Sir John Cass & Redcoat School Tel: 020 7790 6712
It was great to find out how to take the overview report and be able to find out further information to be able to pursue ways to make changes for the future.
Emma Bell (Maths Leader), Northwick Manor Primary School Tel: 01905 454430
A very useful day providing clarity and opportunity to discuss with colleagues and ask questions.
Emma Goodwin (Head Teacher), Oakley Vale Primary School Tel: 01536 461199
I thoroughly insightful introduction to RAISE online.
Elaine Mcalister (Year 4 Class Teacher & Year Leader), Hampton Vale Primary School Tel: 01733 247000
Fantastic training- everything I needed to know!
Ellen Watson (Head of Teaching & Learning), Bollington St John’s Primary School Tel: 01625 572 025
An excellent day that will help make school development easier to plan.
Emma Cousins (Assistant Headteacher), St.Scholastica’s Primary School Tel: 020 8985 3466
This was a very well presented and well organised resource. The trainer was very comprehensive in his presentation. The resources to take away will enable me to share the information easily with colleagues.
Emma Kilburn (Deputy Head), Haydon School Tel: 020 8429 0005
An empowering course which explains how to access and interpret the RAISEonline data to absolute beginners!
Emma Kolaru (Etp Partnership Co-Ordinator), George Spicer Primary School Tel: 020 8363 1406
An excellent presentation with useful resources to train staff at our centre.
Gail Davies (Assessment & Curriculum Coordinator), South Wirral High School Tel: 0151 327 3213
An essential course to undertake if you wish to be an excellent practitioner of school data management/analysis.
Erica Briscoe (Data Manager), West Derby School Tel: 0151 235 1333
It was an outstanding day, I have a lot of confidence built in now. I can very confidently go back to my shool and do a very strong stance on how every member of middle management shoul be able to use RAISEonline now.
Dilek Holt (KS4 Raising Achievement Leader), Enfield Grammar School Tel: 020 8363 1095
This was fantastic training that enabled me to get to grips with RAISEonline in order to unpick data and identify trends that would inform action planning and celebration. It also taught me how to be better prepared for Ofsted through looking at attainment and progress and being able to pick up on.
Eve Naidoo (Phase Leader), Grange Primary School Tel: 020 8422 5070
Excellent pace and very supportive tour through the ROL.
Emma Ward (Principal), Highlees Primary School Tel: 01733 264294
Really in depth and great training.
Faye Messom (Biology Teacher), Chellaston Academy Tel: 01332 702502
This training session has been incredibly valuable. As an experienced headteacher I have appreciated having time with my senior teacher to reflect upon future school improvements.
Fiona Toman (Executive Headteacher Farthinghoe & Greatworth P), Greatworth Primary School Tel: 01295 711456
An essential course for all teachers, not just senior and middle leaders. Raising achievement (attainment and progress) is the responsibility of everyone in school – with classroom teachers driving the agenda.
Graham Steele (Interim Principal), Grace Academy Darlaston Tel: 0121 568 3300
A very useful day to go through as a governor responsible for data. It has giver me a good level of understanding to support the school.
Garath Jackson (Vice-Chair Governors), Stoneleigh Academy Tel: 01635 279 499
Extremely useful day, very professional and supportive delivery. I am now feeling more confident about our forthcoming Ofsted visit. Thank you!
Gemma Marks (Deputy Principal – Progress & Attainment), Weston Favell Academy Tel: 01604 402121
The experience the trainer could bring to the table was excellent.
Gemma Patton (Director of Data & Assessment), Callington Community College Tel: 01579 383292
The day was very informative, at a good pace with plenty of opportunities to discuss, ask questions and use relevant data to school.
Gerry Smith (Foundation Stage Phase Leader), Yarnfield Primary School Tel: 0121 693 0362
Used Raise on Line for years but discovered today I was only using 5% of the site what is does
Gillian Hutton (Headeacher), Pottery Primary School Tel: 01773 823383
Clarity is knowledge and knowledge is control and control is power!
Greg Rodulfo (Vice Principal), Belfairs Academy Tel: 01702 509000
An informative day where i feel more confident with understanding the data of the school.
Gulen Halil (ICT Leader & Year 3 & 4 Leader of Learning), George Spicer Primary School Tel: 020 8363 1406
Raiseonloine training has been worthwhile and very informative for our school. Definitely a useable tool.
Gwen Fennell (Headteacher), Our Lady Queen Of Peace RC Primary School Tel: 01905 421 409
A well-presented and informative course that illuminates some of the more obscure aspects of pupil progress and attainment.
Hansel Stevenson (Head of English), Royal Alexandra and Alert School Tel: 01737 649 001
I now feel much more confident to analyse RAISEonline data. The consultant was excellent and explained everything very methodically. Thank you!
Helen Ahern (Deputy Headteacher), St George’s Primary School Tel: 020 8422 1272
Very useful- a must for all leaders.
Haylee Carey (Assistant Head Teacher- KS4), Cleeve Park School Tel: 020 8302 6418
Consultant was reassuring and confident in her knowledge. Fantastic training!
Fiona Mullett (Head Teacher), Harting Primary School Tel: 01730 825388
A fantastically practical day, providing theory and hands-on opportunity for getting a proper handle on my school’s data and trends.
Helen Charman (Assistant Headteacher), Bedonwell Junior School Tel: 020 8310 4174
Excellent course full of tricks to help make data analysis simple. Thank you.
Iain Parks (Assessment & Curriculum Co-Ordinator), St Andrew’s CE Primary, Hove Tel: 01273294800
Really useful course to give an excellent insight into the new progress an attsinment measures.
Ian Noble (Senior Assistant Head), Boldon School Tel: 0191 536 2176
The training was both informative and useful in supporting school improvement.
Ian Young (Principal), Rainford High Technology College Tel: 01744 885914
Excellent and very informative course.
Imran Iqbal (KS3 3rd I/C Science Teacher), Sir John Cass Secondary School Tel: 020 7790 6712
Insightful and provided clarification about the changes ahead.
James Crowe (Head of Assessment & Monitoring), Cardinal Hume Catholic School Tel: 0191 487 7638
An excellent, well structured introduction to the essential tools within ROL.
Jacqui Grace (Headteacher), Reaside Academy Tel: 0121 675 7235
A really useful day with lots of ideas to take back to colleagues.
Jackie May (Deputy Headteacher), Lordship Lane School Tel: 020 88886541
A practical and clearly explained session.
Helena Marsh (Deputy Principal), Linton Village College Tel: 01223 891233
Useful workshop, broken down in bite-sized chunks!
Jairo Marin (Exams & Data Manager), North Cambridge Academy Tel: 01223 508742
Useful and thoughtful training, helped me prepare for the introduction of Progress 8 and Attainment 8 measures.
James Evans (Assistant Vice Principal), The Petchey Academy Tel: 020 7275 1500
A well organised and creative training session which was testament to the trainer’s innovative approach- good job!
James Glennie (Pastoral Leader), Matthew Moss School Tel: 01706 632 910
The session was extremely well led. Having undertaken the training, I feel I will can now use Raise more effectively to help inform and direct my school on areas requiring improvements and areas of strength.
Jamie Miles (Deputy Headteacher), St. Edward’s Royal Free Middle School Tel: 01753 867809
An excellent day which made RAISEonline truly come alive and gave me a greater insight into managing my data. The Booklet was also a super tool to use back at school and to present to governors. consultant was patient, supportive but kept up a brisk and challenged us to think.
Jan Myers (Head), Wentworth Primary Tel: 01621 853572
I feel a lot more confident to use and generate reports and my knowledge of Raise Online has increased.
Jane Apperley (Assistant Head), Yarnfield Primary School Tel: 0121 693 0362
A most informative and interseting update with food for thought.
Jane Humpherson (AHT), Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy Tel: 0121 554 8122
In a word, fantastic! Comprehensive, clear and insightful.
Jane Kennard (Maths Co-Ordinator), Priorslee Primary Academy Tel: 01952 387927
This was an informative, useful day, demonstrating how ROL can really inform driving school standards forwards.
Jane Le Poidevin (Headteacher), Paddox Primary School Tel: 01788 572340
This was an invaluable course. Many thanks! The presentations were very clear.
Jane Redhead (Chair of Governors – Behalf of All Governors), Southwood Infants School Tel: 01252 375 420
Consultant was very knowledgable and made the day interesting. I have enjoyed the day and feel ready for an Ofsted visit.
Janine Mudd (Senco), Whitebridge Junior School Tel: 020 8508 8624
This is the best training I had ever attended. The clear delivery to the whole group was coupled with individual attention to delegates and was tailored to their specific setting.
Janet Mckinlay (Headteacher), St Mary’s RC Primary School Tel: 01204 333625
Consultant is a dynamic and passionate trainer. His knowledge is excellent and his use of case studies that are relevant to all schools are really helpful and insightful.
Jenni Maher (Head Teacher), Cleeve Park School Tel: 020 8302 6418
A real eye opener for anyone not confident with the interactive nature of RAISEonline.
Jaswinder Rayat (Assistant Headteacher Data), Hatch End High School Tel: 020 8428 4330
This was very clear and informative and has provided me the information I need to be successful in my role.
Jenny Wade (Timetable Administrator), Stantonbury Campus Tel: 01908 324400
An inspirational training session.
Jay Bull-Mannan (Deputy Head Teacher ), Calverton Primary School Tel: 020 7476 3076
A brilliant course – everyminute was used well and to maximum effect.
Joanne Read (Vice Principal), HBH Academy Hatfield Tel: 0114 2456871
This course has enabled me to feel more confident about discussing this important document with a wider audience, including Governors.
Jenny Griffiths (Deputy Headteacher), Coleridge Community College Tel: 01223 712600
A very useful course.
Jilur Rahman (Deputy Head of Maths ), Sir John Cass Tel: 020 7790 6712
Clear and concise training, very much matched to our individual school. Very helpful. Practical, knowledgeable and approachable trainer. Thank-you.
Joanne Cooper (Deputy Head), St Thomas A Becket School Tel: 020 83105394
I have found today extremely helpful – you couldn’t ask for a better session!
Jodie Cooper (Director of Studies), Priorslee Primary Academy Tel: 01952 387927
Extremely informative and insightful with an engaging trainer.
Joe Elliott (Data Manager), St. Dominic’s Catholic Primary School Tel: 020 8985 0995
Thank you – expensive but well worth it!
Joe Hellett (Headteacher), Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Tel: 01424 429494
The course was really valuable and made us much more confident in interogating our own data.
John Edgar (Acting Headteachers), Campsbourne School Tel: 020 8340 2064
This was the best training I have attended for a long time.
John Hayes (Headteacher), Gospel Oak School Tel: 020 7485 7435
A great course, informative, well led, enjoyable and relevant.
John Ryan (Asst Head), Bonus Pastor Catholic College Tel: 020 8695 2100
Reacted very well to school needs and being very new to accessing RAISEonline
John Weaving (Deputy Headteacher), Hallmoor School Tel: 0121 783 3972
First rate course!
John D’Abbro (Headteacher), The New Rush Hall School Tel: 020 8501 3951
An excellent introduction to the possibilities in the use of RAISEonline online.
Judith Anderson (Deputy Headteacher), North Ealing Primary School Tel: 020-8997-2653
Brilliant course – really well presented .. thank you 🙂
Judith Evans (Assistant Headteacher), Thornden School Tel: 023 8026 9722
The training was invaluable to my contribution to the whole school, leadership, and management.
Karin Tillett (Deputy Headteacher), Cedar Primary School Tel: 01634 338260
I found the trainer very informd and helpful in supporting our understanding of the RAISEonline data and in developing our knowledge of the Progress 8 measures to come.
Juliet Grant (Head of School & College), Hamiton Lodge School and College Tel: 01273 682362
Excellent course. I feel that i now have real ownership of the data. I am now in a strong position to set school / individual targets. Up date the school development plan to support the data.
Judith Harvey (Deputy Head Teacher), St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Greenwich Tel: 01444 452584
Consultant was an excellent trainer; she explained Raise fully and demonstrated clearly whilst ensuring that we were all able to participate actively in the course.
Karen Mortimer (Deputy Headteacher), Shackleton Primary School Tel: 01234 352912
This course has consolodated my understanding of Attainment 8 and developed my knowledge of Progress 8.
Julian Linathan (AVP), The Petchey Academy Tel: 020 7275 1500
Very useful training.
Julie Arkell (KS1 Phase Leader), Yarnfield Primary School Tel: 0121 693 0362
Great training, just what we needed.
Julie Harrison (Deputy Head Teacher), Whitley Abbey Primary School Tel: 024 7630 3392
This training was very useful, gave a clear understanding of what each part of the RAISEonline means.
Jusna Begum (Teacher/Phase Leader), Yarnfield Primary School Tel: 0121 693 0362
Really opens your eyes as to the potential within your Raiseonline report and how it can underpin your school’s forward planning.
Kamran Ezel (Assistant Headteacher), Suffolks Primary School Tel: 020 8804 1534
A clear course that is very well presented. The leader was very supportive throughout and most welcoming.
Karen Ayres (Leader of Learning for Year 2 & Class Teacher), George Spicer Primary School Tel: 020 8363 1406
Very useful with lots of helpful resources. Clear instructions of how to use the data to suit individualised schools, groups etc.
Karen Sewell (Deputy Headteacher), Charles Kingsley’s CE Primary Tel: 01189 732187
I have thoroughly enjoyed the training which was pertinent and on point at every level, delivered by an expert who actually undertsands what schools are faced with. I would recommend this course to anyone with no reservation.
Karine Croset (Assistant Head Teacher ), Cleeve Park School Tel: 020 8302 6418
Training was well matched to our needs and the trainer was able to tailor his presentation to respond to specific questions as they arose. An excellent day!
Judith Peacock (Assistant Head Teacher), Hamiton Lodge School and College Tel: 01273 682362
Detailed and concise East to Understand and Follow.
Katy Anglesea (Assistant Headteacher), Dunston Hill School Tel: 0191 433 4021
I will be adding this to our website.
Kealan Watters (Assistant Headteacher), Whitehill Primary School Tel: 01474 352973
Consultant was superb – very knowledgable and supportive, enabling us to make the very best of our training opportunity. This will save us so much time in preparation for Ofsted!
Kat Holdsworth (Deputy Headteacher), Grange Primary School Tel: 020 8422 5070
Well worth the training. Gives all school leaders a better undertanding of data and able to adapt provision and intervention.
Kelly Greaves (Assistant Head ), Kettering Science Academy Tel: 01536 532700
Brilliant training, friendly supportive and genuinely lovely person, who was supportive throughout.
Kelly-Leigh Doody (Assistant Headteacher), Mount Gilbert School Tel: 01952 387670
Insightful training that is linked to actual school context, thoroughly thought provoking.
Kenneth Wheeler (Sen & Leadership Consultant), Royal Alexandra and Albert School Tel: 01737 649 001
The course was extremely stimulating and enjoyable.
Kevin Hylands (Senior Deputy Headteacher), Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy Tel: 0121 554 8122
The training was fantastic and Paul tailored all to our needs.
Kevin Jones (Head of Centre), Brownhill Learning Community Tel: 0300 303 8384
Invaluable for any school serious about the best possible outcomes for its children.
Kevin Prunty (Executive Headteacher), Cranford Community College Tel: 020 8897 2001
A very interesting and useful insight into data analysis.
Khalida Deen (2nd I/C ICT), Sir John Cass School Tel: 020 7790 6712
A very interactive, informative and user friendly day. Excellent professional development.
Kim Mccamley (Principal), Sandye Place Academy Tel: 01767 680420
Useful activities and informative day.
Kirsten Halsall (Teacher), Ludlow Infant Academy Tel: 02380 433422
An excellent training course which helps focus SIP and Action Plans.
Kylie Losper (Assessment Coordinator), Abbey Hey Primary Academy Tel: 0161 2231592
A great insight, with useful tips to help raise attainment.
Latoya Williams (Assistant Headteacher), Buxton School Tel: 020 8534 3563
A useful, and purposeful day, with knowledgeable presenter. Superb resources.
Kirsty Walker (Deputy Headteacher), Queen Victoria Primary School Tel: 01384 812545
Very informative with lots of useful information. It has given us lots of ideas and ways to move forward.
Laura Mcguinness (Teacher ), Woodstock school Tel: 0117 377 2175
Very well presented, highly informative and interactive.
Laura Morgan (Deputy Headteacher), Mab Lane Primary School Tel: 0151 259 4282
Informative and fast paced.
Laura Nichols (Subject Lead ), The Petchey Academy Tel: 020 7275 1500
Brilliant course, great trainer – would fully recommend.
Laura Shaw (Data Manager), The Pingle School Tel: 01283 216837
Both thought provoking and useful.
Lawrence Rouse (Head Teacher), Tipton Green Junior School Tel: 0121 557 9242
Thank you to consultant, an informative session that made the statistics useful and will definitely have an impact on how we continue to crunch data at school.
Laura Wareham (Teacher), Wicor Primary School Tel: 01329 237412
I have developed and enhanced my knowledge of Raise Online and the tools that are available to support analysing data.
Laura Weston (Inclusion Manager/Senco), Hollymount School Tel: 01905 23159
An excellent training session which really helps you understand the data and plan specific intervention.
Lauren Watkins (Head of English), Streetfield Middle School Tel: 01582 661342
A really in depth explanation of our school data. Thank you.
Leah Boyes (Deputy Headteacher), South Hill School Tel: 01442 402127
Great course! A must for all schools.
Lisa Harrold (Assessment Leader), Bridge Junior School Tel: 0116 2536092
It was very useful.
Lesley Reynolds (Deputy Headteacher), Columbia Primary School Tel: 02077393835
We have attended the training before and refreshed our skills.
Linzy Brown (Senco ), St Gabriel’s CE Primary School, Middleton Manchester Tel: 0161 653 9587
Super session which really helped me understand the a wide range of ROL info.
Leyton Smith (Principal), Beanfield Primary School Tel: 01536 262000
Thank you for today’s training – it was very informative, professionally delivered and the resources were accessible and readily available tor us to use – lots for us to do now!
Lindsay Winterbourne (Assistant Head), Woodstock school Tel: 0117 377 2175
Worth attending!
Leanne Edridge (Data Manager), Debden Park High School Tel: 0208 508 2979
Easy step by step guidance which broke down ROL into understandable chunks.
Lisa Hillyer (Head of Academy), Crookesbroom Primary Academy Tel: 01302 841337
Very useful and interesting course – RAISEonLine is now so much easier to understand and very interactive.
Liz Maden (Data Manager), The Nobel School Tel: 01438 222600
The training ensured that my School and staff will be making full use of the Student explorer.
Llyr Jones (Headteacher), Ysgol Porth Y Felin School Tel: 01492 572220
Another useful course, allowed us to double check that we were on track regarding Progress 8!
Lori Gilleece (Subject Leader – Maths), Jarrow School Tel: 0191 4283200
An awful lot of information was presented in a way which made it extremely purposeful. I know I will use the course literature again and again.
Lorraine Fay (School Business Manager), Federation Of St. Sebastians & St Cuthberts Tel: 0151 260 9697
This course was incredibly useful, with a hugely knowledgeable trainer. I would recommend this course to anyone.
Louise Goode (Assistant Head Teacher), Coln House Tel: 01285 712308
A very good overview of Raiseonline that allows one to investigate further and identify tools available on the site to prepare for Ofsted.
Louis Maciel (Sims & Data Lead), Nishkam High School Tel: 0121 348 7660
Excellent training. opened my eyes to what raise online can offer.
Lucas Wellington (Deputy Head), Bristol Gateway School Tel: 0117 377 2275
Practical and hands on training using RAISEonline.
Lucy Clayton (Teacher ), Cledford Primary School Tel: 01606 288240
An excellent, informative training course.
Lynn Bathurst (Deputy Head), St Peter’s CE VA Junior School Tel: 01332 767158
Brilliant training. Wish I’d done it years ago!
Mandy Tellyn (Head Teacher), John F Kennedy (Via Blackfell) School Tel: 0191 219 3745
Consultant was great, managed to make things very clear and personal to our school and needs.
Marie Richardson (Assistant Head Teacher), St Mary’s & St Peter’s
Tel: 020 8943 0476
An outstanding course provided by a knowledgeable leader. I’ve learnt so much about analysing school data.
Marie Cole (Assistant Head), Widney Junior School Tel: 0121 705 8516
An informative course that helps to clarify lots of questions that have been generated about the new progress measures.
Mark Andrews (Progress Leader), Cecil Jones College Tel: 01702 440000
Extremely useful and detailed support for our next steps.
Matthew Wynne (Headteacher), Yarnfield Primary School Tel: 0121 693 0362
Better than any other RoL training to date.
Martin Keenaghan (Deputy Headteaher ), Woolton High School
Link Tel: 0151 233 8650
Great presenter who was full of enthusiasm.
Martin Russell (Assistant Headteacher St&ards & Curriculum), Kibworth High School Tel: 0116 279 2238
Very helpful and empowering to have full ownership of our published data.
Matt O’Grady (Headteacher), West Horndon Primary School Tel: 01277 811741
Excellent training with plenty of useful tips on how to get the most out of the online RAISE and to get everyone Ofsted ready. Would definitely recommend.
Michael Belsito (Deputy Headteacher), North Ealing Primary School Tel: 020-8997-2653
A well structure informative training session well structured and delivered by a trainer who had the knowledge and understanding to support delegates. Not only could he talk the talk there was no doubt he had walked the walk!
Mark Bradley (Assistant Principal – Director of Sixth form), The Vale Academy Tel: 01652 652908
Execellent content delivered by a very knowledgable and experienced professional.
Michael Mcguinness (Head of Maths), Waterhead Academy Tel: 0161 620 5859
Thank you this is a much deeper insight into the data.
Michelle Wells (Acting Deputy Head), Leighton Primary School Tel: 01733 232949
Very informative session-thank you.
Michael Thompson (Headteacher), Sacred Heart School Tel: 02089776591
This was an amazing course very informative and easy to understand.
Michelle Kunwor (Aciting Vice Principle), Chattenden Primary Schools Tel: 01634 250861
The training was very informative and helpful for presenting where the school is at to Ofsted.
Michelle Cuskelly (Deputy Headteacher), Leigh Church Of England Primary School Tel: 024 76464475
Fabulous course, really well delivered with full support from a really well informed trainer throughout.
Mel Fairbrother (Deputy Headteacher), Grange Primary School Tel: 020 8422 5070
Very informative!
Mke Owen (Head), The Grove School Tel: 01664 562554
Humorous presentation, well planned and delivered.
Mr Collier (Headteacher), Walker Technology College Tel: 0191 295 8660
Consultant is a very good presenter. He makes it easy to understand.
Nadine Powrie (Headteacher), Fareham Academy Tel: 01329 318003
Very useful – very bespoke training.
Natasha Papworth (Assistant Head), Godolphin Infant School Tel: 01753 521888
Invaluable training.
Nia Talbot (Assistant Headteacher), Westwood Junior School Tel: 01354 653033
Very clear explanation and guidence. High level of expertise.
Nicholas O’Flynn (Deputy Head), Oxted School Tel: 01883 712425
Wow! RAISEonline Training offers a wealth of valuable analysis for school leaders; identifying intervention strategies.
Nick Avey (Deputy Head Teacher), Lyminster Primary School Tel: 01903 713642
Lots of very useful interactives that make data analysis much easier.
Nicola Reynolds (Assessment Coordinator), Warren Hills Community Primary School Tel: 01530 834030
Informative and succinct.
Oliver Bromley-Hall (Head of English), Ridgewood School Tel: 01302 783939
This is concise and to the point with high level discussion.
Paul Cadman (AP), Springwell Special Academy Tel: 01226 291 133
The presentation was very informative and well explained by an experienced presenter.
Roger Williams (LCP Mathematics), Stephenson Academy
Link Tel: 01908 889400
A really insightful session providing knowledge and skills to further enhance school improvement.
Paul Cowen (Headteacher), Biddick Academy Tel: 0191 561 3680
It’s great to have the opportunity and time to explore and at last understand the relevance of our school’s data.
Paul Hafasken (Headteacher), Holme Hall Primary School Tel: 01246 237075
An excellent day; I go away with much more knowledge than I came with.
Paul Livesey (Head of Upper School), Cowley International College Tel: 01744 678 030
A very informative and practical day showing me how to make better use of the interactive elements to the resource.
Paul Longden (Headteacher), Burlish Park Primary Tel: 01299 823771
The training was brilliant. Consultant, the trainer, has an incredible knowledge of RAISEonline and how it can help schools improve. The presentation was extremely clear and useful.
Peter Aldren (Assistant Headteacher), Midhurst CE Primary School Tel: 01730 813526
A really practical course run by a genuine school practitioner!
Paul Spencer Ellis (Headmaster), Royal Alexandra and Albert School Tel: 01737 649 001
Excellent!A very reassuring (and patient!) presenter who was willing to discuss data in context.
Paula Tindall (Senior Teacher/Senco), Greatworth School Tel: 01295 711456
Excellent course and clearly offers an insight into what my own school need to be aware of in this time of educational change.
Peter Taylor (Assistant Head Teacher ), Cansfield High School Tel: 01942 727391
An extremely informative and useful session deliver by a highly skilled consultant.
Petra Henderson (School Govenor), St Edward’s Catholic Primary School Tel: 020 8472 4337
Time to look at your school data with guidance.
Philip Gray (Head Teacher), Harwood Hill School Tel: 01707 322 855
Useful to get reminders to refresh my understanding.
Philip Wheatley (Assistant Headteacher), Whickham School Tel: 0191 4960026
This was a a clear and comprehensive run through of how to use raise to analyse attainment and progress.
Paul Cadman (Asst Principal), Springwell School Tel: 01226 291 133
A very useful analytical tool to help to identify strengths, opportunities and challenges in the school.
Punam Sehgal (Assistant Headteacher), Lynch Hill School Primary Academy Tel: 01753 691583
One of the most useful training sessions I have attended. I feel empowered!
Rachael Poole (Deputy Headteacher), Yarnfield Primary School Tel: 0121 693 0362
A very informative and thought provoking session – a great way to raise awareness to drive school improvement.
Rachel Rice (Headteacher), Deanshanger Primary School Tel: 01908 268920
A fantastic insight into how the changes to progress measures will change.
Rajesh Patel (Deputy Headteacher), Fareham Academy Tel: 01329 318003
Very useful day.
Ray Lawrence (Deputy Head Teacher), Futures Community College Tel: 01702 415 300
A fantastic journey that personalised our contextual data.
Rebecca England (Assistant Headteacher), St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Tel: 01444 452584
Fantastic course – feel much more tooled up and in the driving seat with data and the story it tells.
Sally Clarke (Acting Headteacher), Midhurst Primary School Tel: 01730 813526
Todays course was excellent, for a person new to the role never having dealt with data before I was anxious about this evenings course. The consultant was outstanding and made everything easy to understand. If i can understand it anyone can. It was actually enjoyable (which i have never said when looking at data).
Rebecca King (Pe Teacher & Head of Year 9), The Petchey Academy Tel: 020 7275 1500
Excellent way to improve your knowledge of RAISEonline and to understand the complex data patterns. Much more confident now!
Robert Coultas (Leader of Innovation & Progress for Learner Serv), Flixton Girls School Tel: 0161 912 2949
Very helpful for interpreting RAISEonline data.
Richard Davies (Acting Deputy), Stoke Primary School Tel: 024 7645 1724
An excellent course, clear and concise.
Robert Dobinson (Raising Standards Leader), The Belfairs Academy Tel: 01702 509000
Excellent delivery and insight into a complicated subject.
Robert Doyle (Data Manager), Cleeve Park School Tel: 020 8302 6418
I thoroughly valued the clear rendering of this subject.
Roderick Watson (Governor), Lynch Hill School Primary Academy Tel: 01753 691583
I found the course relaxed, friendly and informative giving me a better understanding of what our data means and what we need to do as a result.
Roger Williams (Lead Core Practitioner), Stephenson Academy
Link Tel: 01908 889400
It was a thoroughly useful course which has enabled me to understand the new dashboard and how to use data effectively especially to help me explain to Governors.
Ross Dalzell (Assistant Headteacher + Head of Maths), King Arthur’s Community School Tel: 01963 32368
Really helpful I didn’t realise what RAISEonline could offer
Ros Brain (Deputy Head), Forty Hill School Tel: 020 8363 0760
It made all those figures dealable.
Rosemary Gilmour (Deputy Head Teacher), St. Martin Of Porres School Tel: 0208 361 1445
I now find RAISEonline a much more effective tool in analysing my school’s performance.
Ross Orton (Acting Deputy Head Teacher), Dog Kennel Hill Primary School Tel: 02072741829
A very clear and informative session detailing the changing performance measures and the impact this will have on our school.
Russell Blackman (Assistant Headteacher), Hounsdown School Tel: 023 8086 2981
Very informative.
Saeed Deen (Teacher & Governor), Sir John Cass Tel: 020 7790 6712
Fantastic training, clear and simple to follow. consultant was just brilliant!
Sally Clarke (Headteacher), Midhurst Primary School Tel: 01730 813526
This course is ideal for leaders of all levels. I thought I was fairly proficient in Raiseonline, it turns out I was using about 10% of the capability! I know feel so much better informed, thank you!
Sally Berlemont (Headteacher), Green Lane Primary and Nursery School Tel: 020 8337 6976
An interactive course with lots of visual resources and opportunities for discussion as a leadership team. Very clear and great to have access to further resources for the year.
Sally Yates (Assistant Headteacher Director of Teaching & Lear), Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy Tel: 0121 554 8122
Great overview to bring you up to speed with current educational climate.
Samantha Webster (Assistant Principal KS4), Ashton On Mersey School Tel: 0161 973 1179
Very useful.
Sandra James (Head of School), Debeauvoir Primary Tel: 020 7254 2517
An excellent day, very worthwhile.
Sandra Kiddle (Head Teacher), North Cadbury Church of England Primary School Tel: 01963 440420
Excellent course for looking at new measures in a strategic way.
Sandra Short (Business Manager), Cleeve Park School Tel: 020 8302 6418
The training provides all school leaders with a very comprehensive understanding of how to get the most from all the data….highly recommended!!
Sarah Palmer (Headteacher), Camelsdale Primary School Tel: 01730 813266
The course allowed me to look at RAISEonline in depth to interrogate my schools’ data. I will be going back to school with lots of questions about what we already do and questionning what we need to do to improve.
Sarah Jackson (Associate Assistant Headteacher), Ash Manor School Tel: 01252 353 900
Great half day course, informative and easy to follow.
Sarah Lackenby (Assistant Head), Whitley Bay High School Tel: 0191 2008800
A very useful course.
Sanjeev Bali (Progress Leader), Sherwood Eact Academy Tel: 0115 952 1171
I enjoyed the day. Difficult to find time during normal school day to work on the site, however, having a person there to go through things with me was invaluable.
Sian Evans (Headteacher), Pencae School Tel: 029 2056 3851
Excellent training, trainer obviously really enthusiatic and knowedgeable about Raiseonline and passed this enthusiasm and understanding on to us.
Sarah Starkey (Head Teacher), Charlestown Community Primary School Tel: 0161 740 3529
Just what a new school needs!
Sarah Unwin (Depuy Head – Director of Learning), The Midland Studio College Tel: 024 7624 3460
A must do to get to know your own school data and what you can do with it.
Sejal Patel (Headteacher), Whitings Hill School Tel: 0208 359 5360
Extremely informative day with a wonderful consultant.
Sharon Joyce (Early Years Co-Ordinator), St Scholastica’s Primary School Tel: 020 8985 3466
All there is to no about raise online.
Sarah Sanders (Assisstant Principal`), Gretton Primary School Tel: 01536 770366
This was a thorough and comprehensive guide through the online aspect of RAISE. The delivery was excellent.
Simon Dack (Deputy Head Teacher), Dereham St Nicholas Junior School Tel: 01362 693876
Clear and easy to follow. It will make our use of Raiseonline in school much more effective as a diagnostic tool.
Theresa Madden (Deputy Headteacher), St Thomas More School Tel: 01270568014
A really informative course which was delivered to an extremely high standard by consultant. I now have a sound knowledge of the raise online document and the areas we as a school need to focus on.
Simon Remmer (Assistant Head Teacher), Marsh Green Primary School Tel: 0208 270 4984
Have really valued the opportunity to analyse our own provision whilst learning about the functionality of the programmes. This will be a great asset in terms of our self assessment, to focus priorities and resources and in preparation for Ofsted.
Stephen Gilby (Vice Principal), West Lakes Academy Tel: 01946 820356
Highly recommended for any one who wishes to know more about Progress 8.
Sonia Winter (Head of Humanities), The Acaemy Grimsby Tel: 01472 311231
Very detailed overview of what data is important and the changes happening within education.
Stephen Farmer (Assistant Headteacher), St James’ School Tel: 01392 209922
Great training, put in an easy to understand way.
Steve Abey (Deputy Headteacher), Westwood Community Junior School Tel: 01354 653033
Highly qualified and experienced trainers.
Steve Evans (Headteacher), Rastrick High School Tel: 01484 710235
Great session covering evrything I needed to know.
Steve Mckinstry (Assistant Headteacher), Highworth Warneford school Tel: 01793 762426
It was very useful, and means I can incisively use data to drive school improvement.
Steve Nash (Deputy Headteacher), Brownlow Primary School Tel: 01664 562315
Excellent facilities, great trainer and extremely useful information.
Steve Venus (Assistant Principal), Sandye Place Academy Tel: 01767 680420
Amazing course and brilliant trainer.
Sue Crace (Headteacher), Downham School Tel: 01268 710387
A very informative day with a large amount of content, but well presented.
Stuart Mansell (Headteacher), Nene Valley Primary Tel: 01733 897517
Excellent trainer, really clear and very competent. Would recommend unreservedly.
Sue Huntley (Acting Principal), All Saints College Tel: 0191 481 3710
If you thought you knew RAISEonline, come to this course and find out how useful RAISEonline can actually be for your school.
Sunil Murji (Deputy), Kenmore Park Juniors School Tel: 020 8204 6294
An excellent course which will support all subject leaders to analyse their data and an excellent resource to inform governors.
Sue Waller (Deputy Head), Wentworth School Tel: 01621 853572
Very useful and Enjoyable Couse.
Sultan Ahmed (Ict Network Manager), Tipton Green Junior School Tel: 0121 557 9242
In the minefield that is Progress and Attainment 8,I actually have some understanding now!
Sue Nicholson (Year Leader), Stantonbury Campus Tel: 01908 324400
Having used RAISEonline since it started I was amazed at what I didn’t know about it. The course today has given me an insight into how useful the interactive reports can be when you drill down for further information. It also gave me time to look at some of the reports I hadn’t spent time on be.
Vivienne Cranton (Principal), Hollymount School Tel: 01905 23159
I found this course really helpful, with all the information given being relevant to schools today. The course succesfully imparted information to both beginners to RAISEonline along with those with more experience. I would definately recomment this course to members of the school community.
Susan Turek (Data Manager & School Timetabler), Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ School Tel: 020 8449 2984
Very interesting course.
Victoria Obaze (Governor), Sir John Cass Redcoat School Tel: 020 7790 6712
Excellent, step by step training. Opportunities to create reports for your school with a patient trainer on hand! Invaluable!
Theresa Walker (Class Teacher), West Horndon Primary School Tel: 01277 811741
Great training – really helpful when thinking about leadership.
Thomas Claxton (Y2 Class Teacher & Year Leader), Hampton Vale Primary School Tel: 01733 247000
This was useful.
Thomas Paternoster-Howe (Scientific Administrator), George Spicer Primary School Tel: 020 8363 1406
Very comprehensive and informative.
Tom Gledhill (Headteacher), Bury Secondary PRU Tel: 01204 885275
A fast-paced comprehensive overview of RAISEonline; both the summary report and online tools.
Tom Plim (Assistant Principal/Senco), Priorslee Primary Academy Tel: 01952 387927
Consultant was a very open and engaging presenter who made the processes involved very accessible, even to someone who isn’t completely data literate.
Tracey Bennett (Deputy Head Teacher), Lakey Lane Primary Tel: 01214641990
Consultant was great and she went through the RAISEonline so well she has given me the confidence to go away and explore it a little more.
Umrana Malik (Deputy Head Teacher), Forest Lodge Primary School Tel: 0116 2871220
As a school governor I found this course of immense value. The detailed analysis of the school’s RAISEonline data provided me with a wealth of useful information and taught me what to look for!
Valerie Coster (Vice Chair of Governing Body), Calverton Primary School Tel: 020 7476 3076
Been using RAISEonline for many years, but very refreshing to receive formal training rather than self directed! Learnt lots that i may have previosly ignored.
Zoe Charlton (Headteacher), Charles Kingsley’s CE Primary Tel: 01189 732187
Very helpful session, made interpretation of data and understanding data very clear.
Victoria Jech (Head of Year ), Sir John Cass Tel: 020 7790 6712
The course was brilliant and the course provider was excellent and very knowledgeable. I really enjoyed it and felt I know loads more than I did this morning.
Vikki Lewis (Assistant Principal – Assessment), HBH Academy Hatfield Tel: 0114 2456871
Excellent trainer who explained everything well at an appropriate pace.
Susan Mcmullin (Assistant Headteacher), Royal Wootton Bassett Academy Tel: 01793 841900
We have found our bespoke training today excellent in meeting the needs of where we are as a school in terms of knowing exactly what RAISEonline is saying about our school at all levels.
Vivienne Favell (Headteacher), Southwood Infant School Tel: 01252 375 420
Watch out Ofsted! Forewarned is forearmed.
Wendy Moore (Principal), Priorslee Primary Academy Tel: 01952 387927
Very useful and helpful training.
Zoe Bembridge (Assessment Leader), Churchfield School Tel: 01278 782743
Really good training, informative and Easy to Follow.
Vanessa Hailes (AHT), Ridgewood School Tel: 01302 783939
The most useful RAISE online course I have attended!
Karen Irwin (Acting Deputy Headteacher), Parklands High School
Link Tel: 0151 486 2612
An amazing course – I have come out enlightened.
Beis Yaakov Primary (Adele Rothstien), Assessment Lead Tel: 020 8905 9590
Excellent training , answered all questions very clearly.
Harrington Hill School (Susan Williams), Deputy Tel: 020 8806 7275
An excellent insight.
Arthur Raymond (Headteacher), Durham Gilesgate Sports College Tel: 019138 47505
A good course that gave me lots of extra detail about how to use Raise online.
Eatock Primary School (James Burrow), Teacher Tel: 01942634672
A very helpful and supportive training session to help make a complex system seem so informative and easy to manage.
Yardley Primary School (Ola Joannou), Teacher
Website Tel: 0121 464 3235
A super day- focussed, practical and useful! What more could we ask for!
All Saints C.E. Primary School (Rachael Hutchinson), Headteacher Tel: 01733 563688
A very useful course which provided a wealth of evidence for me to tell my school’s story effectively.
Exwick Heights Primary (Caroline Neal), Deputy Head Tel: 01392 209030
A well delivered and thought out day of training.
Skegness Academy (David Wise), AP Tel: (01754) 879122
An excellent and concise training which I would fully recommend to any other Governing Body.
Emmanuel CE Primary (Jonathan Kester), Chair of Governors Tel: 020 7431 7984
An excellent day’s training that supported all of the SLT of the school dogsthorpe junior school.
Dogsthorpe Junior School (Mary Foreman), Headteacher Tel: 01733 343581
After attending both the RoL and FFT training course, I feel able to interrogate and interpret data to set targets for the different groups of pupils. As a senior leader, I understand the importance of data. The patience of the instructor has made the learning process easily accessible and beneficial.
Lynch Hill School (Tracey Bowen), KS2 Leader Tel: 01753 524170
Although I have previously used Raiseonline, I had never realised just how much information could be accessed from the Raiseonline website. Thanks to this training, I now feel confident in acquiring necessary data to use for school planning and self evaluation.
Bearwood Primary School (Tracy Savory), Assessment Leader Tel: 0118 9784628
An excellent event – very useful information and the focus on evidencing impact and identifying issues was appreciated Sir James Smith’s.
Sir James Smith’s (Kathy Pearcey), Asst. HT Tel: 01840 213274
An insightful training on using raise online and how we are as a school compared to the National Average.
Thomas Fairchild Community School (Susan Akinmoyede), Class Teacher Tel: 020 7253 9469
A Well informed course that has given me more confidence when analysing RAISE online.
Holly Hall Academy (Zoe Edwards), Head of English Tel: 01384 253722
Fabulous & extremely useful to be able to have the stories behind the headlines for Ofsted
Larkshill & Carleton Park School (Farrah & Alison Khilji &Smith), Deputy/Headteacher Tel: (0)1977 722845
I feel much more confident now with the website.
Dogsthorpe Junior School (Heather Such), Standards Leader. Specialist Science Teacher Tel: 01733 343581
Course was clear, very well presented and informative! Brilliant!
Acocks Green Primary (Robert Driscoll), Deputy Head Tel: 0121 706 2165
Everything you need to know about RAISEonline and FFT – plus a bit more!
Rowhill School (Daniel Ralph), Assessment and Achievement Coordinator Tel: 01474705377
Fantastic course
Yardley Primary School (Jonathan Davies), Teacher
https://intranet.yardley.bham.sch.ukTel: 0121 464 3235
Fantastic training to help you pin point how drill down to identify areas of good practice and replicate it!
Thomas Fairchild Community School (Jo Ryan), Deputy Head Tel: 020 7253 9469
Great course to help bring alive our pupils in a way that is clear and useful to prove our hard work is working!
Norbury School (Louise Browning), Headteacher Tel: 020 8863 8769
Great course. Fantastic to understand how Raiseonline works.
Skegness Academy (Iqbal Hussain), Database Assistant Tel: (01754) 879122
Great training will definitely make a difference to out data.
Harrington Hill Primary School (Julia Davis), Foundation Stage Leader Tel: 020 8806 7275
I am now excited about data!
Squirrels Heath Junior School (Jackie Avis), DEPUTY HEAD & SENCo Tel: 01708 446472
As a Business Manager it is important to understand the data and were best the resources are deployed. The training enabled me to munipulate the data for key groups.
Thomas Fairchild Community School (Tracie Gaspard-Kelchure), School Business Manager Tel: 020 7253 9469
I am feeling so much more confident about our data, I am more aware of the data and equipped. I can track pupils more effectively and ensure that the data has a useful purpose and the impact will be the greatest.
Lynch Hill School (Hannah Gates), KS1 Leader Tel: 01753 524170
I found it really useful to be able to have the time and support to delve into and analyse the data in Raiseonline. The course facilitator was extremely helpful, giving effective personal support. I can highly recommend it.
Sacred Heart catholic Primary (Karen Edwards), Headteacher Tel: 020 8977 6591
I have been a Head Teacher for ten years and this is the best training I have ever received. It has left me feeling very empowered. It will also save me hours of analysis.
Bearwood Primary School (Jane Barlow), Head Teacher Tel: 0118 9784628
I found the whole day useful having somoebody to guide me through the RAISE online website, cut through the volume of information to identify the most powerful and useful reports facilities and remove the’science’ of data I have always feared.
Skegness Academy (Luke Morris), Assistant Headteacher Tel: (01754) 879122
I thought I was confident with analysing ROL but did not realise until today how much I didn’t know!
Scargill Junior School (Amanda Ireland), Headteacher Tel: 01708555677
I really enjoyed the training and the consultant was very clear and confident in her knowledge of Raiseonline.
Thomas Fairchild (Jenny Lewis), Head teacher Tel: 020 7253 9469
I found the course very useful in developing my deeper understanding of how RAISEonline can be used to drive school improvements.
Holly Hall Academy (Denise Malone), Vice-Principal Tel: 01384 253722
If you want to be able to use FFT and RAISEonline to support school improvement and self-assessment, then this is the course for you.
Loughborough Primary School (Martyn Giddens), Vice Principal Tel: 01509 263430
If your a Governor I would strongly recommend attending this course to help you understand how you truly can become a ‘critical friend’.
Hounslow Town Primary (Alenoosh Avanesian Artin), Staff Governor Tel: 020 8570 1747
RaiseOnline on has been de-mystified
Helsby High School (Harriet Taylor), Data Manager Tel: 01928 723 551
Just brilliant!
Skegness Academy (Harouna Savadogo), Head of MFL Tel: (01754) 879122
Outstanding course for Governors.
Leyburn C P School (Michael Clarkson), Head teacher Tel: 01969 623187
Marshalls Park School (Jackie Simmonds), Assistant Headteacher Tel: 01708 724134
Informative, purposeful and real
Great Bentley Primary School (Tracey Caffull), Headteacher Tel: 01206 250331
Really good input. I now feel quite confident with ‘reading’ Raise Online.
Skegness Academy (Ian Corns), Principal Tel: (01754) 879122
Really useful with lots of data analysis made very simple and clear.
Heckmondwike Primary School (Miss Denby), Lower key stage 2 coordinator Tel: 01924 325712
ROL training is an incredibly useful tool to use in order to gain an in-depth understanding of school data and performance.
Riverley Primary School (Gemma Sant), Assistant Headteacher
Website Tel: 020 8539 4535
The consultant explained Raisonline very clearly. I can see many more ways we can use it in school
Our Lady and St Edward Catholic Academy (Caroline Spencer), Assistant Head Tel: 0115 9155800
The course really helped me to understand our school data a lot clearer.
Cranbrook Primary School (Mark Evans), Acting Deputy Headteacher Tel: 020 8518 2562
Very useful course in learning how to manipulate the data in RoL and FFT
Eatock Primary School (Victoria Hickman), Pupil Progress Manager and Year 3 teacher Tel: 01942634672
The pace of the training matched our needs accurately, information was clear and working on our own school’s data with the support of the trainer worked well.
New Bewelry School (Jo Speak), Acting Headteacher Tel: 0113 336 8250
The website of splendid resources and spare time allocated within the course is valuable time spent out of school to work on action plans.
Copthorne Community Infant School (Amanda Leslie), Headteacher Tel: 01773 832362
Satisfield with course
Riverley Primary School (Paul Lewis), Business Manager
Website Tel: 020 8539 4535
This was a thorough and engaging presentation that taught me all i needed to know about data
Bollington St John’s (Melanie Walker), Senior Leader Tel: 01625 572025
This was a very useful course for a beginner like myself. Excellent presentation of vital information and how to use it to drive your school forward.
Cranbrook Primary School (John Lynn), Data and Assessment Co ordinator, Year Group Leader Tel: 020 8518 2562
Very professional and great to receive bespoke data training onsite. This has been the most valauble training for my school leaders we’ve had.
Lynch Hill School (Gillian Coffey), Exec Head Tel: 01753 524170
Very helpful and informative!
Thomas Fairchild School (Alana Wilson), Class Teacher and Literacy Lead Tel: 020 7253 9469
Very helpful for interrogating the data, really get to grips with what you need to know
Lister Community School (Susan Skyers), Head of House Tel: 0208 471 3311
Very informative and essential for anyone involved at any level of school leadership.
Skegness Academy (Tony Munnerley), Deputy Headteacher Tel: (01754) 879122
Very informative and useful course in helping to identify strengths and weaknesses in preparation for OFSTED.
Holly Hall Academy (Steve Markham), Inclusion Manager Tel: 01384 253722
Very informative and useful.
Rushmore School (Anna Mathers), Lower Phase lead and year 2 teacher Tel: 020 8985 3175
Very clear instruction and careful walking through of various online tools
Skegness Academy (Garry Dunn), Head of Humanities Tel: (01754) 879122
Very useful – didn’t realise how much time using this could save me!
Dogsthorpe Infants (Rebecca Spooner), Acting/Deputy Head Teacher
Website Tel: 01733 566849
Very useful especially for newcomers to RAISE and FFT
Millais School (Keith Sivyour), Assistant Head Tel: 01403 254932
The training day was ideal for allowing the time to focus on one thing – so rare! As it was all linked to School Development Planning and school improvement, it was more than analysing but informing too. Lots of useful and purposeful ideas to take back to school which will undoubtedly have impact on standards.
Clare Berryman (Headteacher), Whittle-Le-Woods C.E. Primary School Tel: 01257 262 732
We have been provided with excellent training to develop our understanding and knowledge of the FFT website and how to use the information it provides, to strategically plan at all levels, from whole school to small specific groups. Excellent, clear presentation with great support and advice.
Bearwood Primary School (Tracy Savory), Assessment Leader Tel: 0118 9784628
Will be a useful assett to share with whole school team to really validate their pupil knowledge
Canonbury Primary School (Jane Carrington), Assistant Head Tel: 020 7226 5020
An excellent course, the presenter answered every question and query I raised and I felt it was the best course I have attended.
Charles Bober (Assistant Headteacher), Onslow St. Audrey’S School Tel: 01707 264228
Very clear and useful guidance and some great tips! Highly recommend.
Abdul Khan (Assessment and Data development), Top Valley Academy Tel: 0115 9539060
Very valuable in improving own confidence to understand school data
Holly Hall Academy (Tracey Haycock), Director of teaching and learning for people and p Tel: 01384 253722
The training is very thorough. Thank you!
Caroline Beasley (Primary Literacy Consultant), Independent Consultant
Fantastic course – well explained and informative.
Caroline Brooks (Literacy Co-Ordinator), Barton Hill Primary School And Children’s Centre Tel: 01179 030407
This course was really inspiring and informative.
Adam Purland (Maths Nqt), Hartsdown Technology College Tel: 01843 227957
Very helpful, clarified the reports and provided a way forward.
Alan March (Assistant Headteacher), Tudhoe Grange
School info Tel: 01388 815000
Consultant is very helpful and has a cheerful, very clear delivery. I learnt an awful lot and the online booklet and tutorial will provide great practice for me.
Adele Evans (Assitant Head), Cockburn School Tel: 0113 336 8500
Spot on! I knew very little and, after the course, I am confident in using RAISE and FFT in driving up standards! Well done!
Aidn Bartley (Asst Head), Queensbury Dunstable Tel: 01582 601241
The course was very informative and helped to make the diagrams clearer.
Alana Mailey (Deputy Headteacher), St James C Of E Primary School Tel: 0207 237 3111
One of the most useful tools in assessment and tracking progress of young people.
Alex Leng (Assistant Headteacher – Data), Beckmead School Tel: 020 8777 9311
If found the course extremely helpful and would recommend all new to senior leadership to attend this type of training.
Susan Gardner (Assistant Head Teacher for Inclusion), Mulgrave Primary School
Website Tel: 020 8317 9211
A helpful day.
Alf Wood (Assistand Headteacher), Bishop’s Hatfield Girls’ School Tel: 01707 275331
Very useful exercise to do well in advance of Ofsted.
Alex Kettlewell (Assistant Head/ Senco), Redruth Tel: 01209 203700
Really useful day – data has never been so easy to understand!
Alison Keeley (Deputy Headteacher), Fernhill Primary Tel: 01276 31554
Very useful door bringing a flat report to life. Thanks
Alison Barralet (Exams/Data officer), Hasmonean high School Tel: 0208 203 1411
This training is very thorough.
Alison Maynard (Deputy Headteacher), Lancasterian Primary School
Link Tel: 020 8808 8088
Data made easy.
Alison Hough (Vice Principal), Palace Fields Academy Tel: 01928 716521
Excellent course learnt so much worth the money.
Alka Bhagat (Deputy Head), Dormers Wells High School Tel: 020 8566 6446
Bearwood Primary have had one whole training day on Raiseonline and a further half day on FFT. The trainer was absolutely inspirational. The consultant managed to balance giving the staff and governors data alonside practical advise and why we would want the data in the first place. Everyone felt empowered
Bearwood Primary School (Jane Barlow), Head Teacher Tel: 0118 9784628
Quality guidance on assessment in small groups that allowed us to focus on our own school data. Very handy to have a colleague to work alongside and support. Trainer very informative and listened to our needs and adjusted training to cover this and the stages of assessment we were at.
Andrea Lane (Acting Deputy Head/Early Years Manager), Warren Hills Community Primary School Tel: 01530 834030
It was a great day out. Consultant was really friendly and exceedingly helpful.
Andrea Sumner (assessment coordinator), Parkwood School Tel: 020 8802 5366
A very insightful day. Useful for beginners and more experienced subject leaders alike!
Amy Norton (Head of English), Fortismere School Tel: 020 8365 4400
The training day gives a thorough insight into how to use RAISE and fft.
Andrew Farrell (Head of Middle School), Westcliff High School Boys Tel: 01702 475443
Great, well informed training session. Great presenter.
Andrew Hamill (Assistant Headteacher), Bishop Walsh Catholic School Tel: 01213 513215
This training really helps schools look through the finer details of Raiseonline to help identify stregths and areas for improvement.
Angela Lowry (Dht), Wychall Primary Tel: 01214 644255
Trainer very friendly and helpful – no question was “daft”!
Anita Hazell (Chair of Governors), St Mark’s Primary School Tel: 01202 512241
This was a very useful course!
Anna Cuccia (Teacher Trainer), Muscliff Primary Tel: 01202 549654
This was a very useful course that helped to consolidate my understanding of Raiseonline.
Caitlin Macrae (Assistant Headteacher), The Highfield School Tel: 01462 620 500
Made data simple, useful, diagnostically for future interventions involving all school staff.
Ansley Webster (Assistant Head Provison ), Fortismere School Tel: 0208 365 4400
A well presented training session from a competent trainer, well worth the investment.
Bill Aylett (Headteacher), Montgomery Junior School, Colchester Tel: 01206 572288
Really good hands on training, you’ll leave with a head full of figures and a briefcase full of answers.
Brent Ellis (Assessment Co-Ordinator), The Pines School Tel: 01344 426413
I am now very aware of Raiseonline and think it is very crucial resource in getting to know my subject throughout the school as Maths coordinator.
Anna Sandoe (Class Teacher/Maths Co-Ordinator), Sandy Hill Academy Tel: 01726 75858
An informative and effective session which enhanced my understanding of RAISEonline/FFT and using them to raise standards.
Caroline Laycock (Teacher), Astley Primary School Tel: 01263 860212
This course is definitely for anyone who is scared of ROL and data – instant cure!!
Carolyn Wilkinson (Deputy Headteacher), St John’S C Of E Primary School Tel: 02393 582404
Very useful training, personalised to our very need.
Caroline Wilson (Data/Exams officer), Knottingley High School
School Info Tel: 01977 622 850
Very informative – will be logging in again very soon.
Carolyn Murray (School Business Manager), Isambard Community School Tel: 01793 705400
This course will empower me when interpreting data.
Carolyn Long, The Business Academy Tel: 0208 320 4800
The trainer was very patient and explained things really well.
Cath Palmer (Acting Assistant headteacher), Kirklees Pprs
School Info Tel: 01484 226562
The RAISEonline info was very useful. The consultant was very helpful, approachable and knowledgeable. Good to have the opportunity to discuss our own data and have time to speak to colleagues.Thank you.
Bea Symes – Grafton Primary School Islington Tel: 020 72725709
The course was an excellent information tool to allow us to to take the next step in our development.
Charlie JacKSon (Assistant Head of Assessment and Data), Westhill School Tel: 0161 338 2193
We would recommend this to leadership members so they have the confidence to discuss and use data with their teams.
Catherine Morgan (Assistant Head Teacher), Cleeve Park Tel: 020 8302 6418
Excellent – pragmatic approach to data; turns negatives into positive speak and areas for development.
Catherine Bielby (Deputy Headteacher), Corpus Christi Catholic College, Leeds Tel: 01133 367540
This course showed me that there is so much more to raise than a printed report.
Catherine Carlisle (Deputy Headteacher), Alderman Jacobs Tel: 01733 202403
Highly informative.
Charles Joseph (Brockhill Park Performing Arts College), Brockhill Park Tel: 01303 265521
This was a very intensive and useful course. Lots to take away and work on to continue to improve. Many many thanks.
Claire Hanson (Headteacher) Langrish Primary School Tel: 01730 263883
Was good to get down to the statistics and fully understand them.
Chris England (Teacher), St. Cuthbert’s Primary Tel: 0151 2284137
Very informative and useful.
Chris Payne (Maths Teacher), Margaret Beaufort School Tel: 01234 708213
Great at raising awareness of what these two online facilities provide.
Christopher Perkin (Assistant Headteacher), St Augustine Of Canterbury Rc High Specialist Humanities School Tel: 01616 268146
A fantastic course, very detailed and thorough presentation of both RAISEonline and FFT. Delivered with pace but accommodating to staff with various degrees of experience and assessment knowledge.
Claire Knox (Assistant Head Teacher), St Sebastians & St Cuthberts Catholic Primary Schools Tel: 01512 284137
I can find data daunting however the trainer who came in made it less scary. The course was run really well and the trainer was so supportive it made something which could have been really challenging actually enjoyable.
Daniella Bussandri (Class Teacher/Literacy Coordinator), Sandy Hill Academy Tel: 01726 75858
Really enjoyed the FFT part of the training. I learnt a lot that I can apply to my faculty.
Dan Stonier (Assistant Head), Fortismere Tel: 0208 365 4400
Data analysis now has a clear purpose!
Costa Dyer (Teacher of English), Business Academy Bexley Tel: 0208 320 4800
Craig Martin (Head), Redruth School Tel: 01209 203700
Fantastic…from the most basic to complex understanding…
Damon O’Neill (Teacher), Kitwell Primary School Tel: 0121 476 0694
Appropriate & relevant.
Colin Nelson (Assistant Head), M Cauley Catholic High School Tel: 01302 537 396
I thought that the course was excellent and will lead to improved developments and procedures in school.
Darren Harte (Assistant Head Teacher), Cuckmere House School Tel: 01323 893319
The Tutor was very knowledgable and helpful.
Darryl Pickering (Head Teacher), Cambridge Road C P & N School Tel: 0151 355 1735
An excellent training session making full use of the time and improving skills.
David Kiff (Data Manager), Frances Bardsley Academy Tel: 01708 447368
The bespoke nature of the session made it totally invaluable to the school. It raised many issues that we now need to follow up and add to our school improvement plan. Brilliant!
Dawn Frost (Assistant Headteacher), Colchester County High School For Girls Tel: 01206 576973
A very useful and informative day, packed with information and excellent detailed instructions. Even for the IT less literate, it was fully accessible.
Diana Clegg (Chair of Governors), Askrigg Vc Primary School Tel: 01969 650331
A really useful, clear overview of the features of Raiseonline and how to make the data user-friendly for school.
Deirdre Deirdre Duignan (Partnership Coordinator ), Birmingham’s Catholic Partnership Tel: 01213 133197
On a difficult to understand topic was presented in such a way to empower staff not only to understand but also to see how useful it will be to us.
Dennis Hardiman (Executive Head), St.Sebastians/St.Cuthbert Tel: 0151 2284137
Pleasantly surprised
Deri O’Regan (Assistant Principal), Hatcham College Haberdasher’s Aske’s Tel: 020 7652 9500
Does what it says on the tin
Des Derrick (KS4 Engagement & Progress), Nottingham University Samworth Academy Tel: 0115 929 1492
It opened our eyes and minds to the wealth of information that can be extracted from the data.
Debbie Mcknight (KS2 Leader), St Paul’s Catholic Primary School Tel: 023 9237 5488
Excellent resource and very useful for role of SENCO / Inclusion
Diane Cook (Inclusion Manager / Senco), Arundel Court Schools Tel: 023 9282 4893
Excellent. Every data hater’s dream!
Dianne Moran (Principal), Palace Fields Primary Academy Tel: 01928 716521
The training was effectively delivered and I always felt that expert help was at hand.
Dom Shibli (Head of Faculty – Science), Nobel School Tel: 01438 222600
We opportunity to work through this training as a cohort in our own school really very useful. We were able to work on our own data and discuss our individual school picture in real detail with colleagues and this was invaluable.
Dina Foster (Deputy Head), Fortismere Tel: 0208 365 4400
Well worth taking a day out of school.
Elaine Smith (Deputy Headteacher), St Peter’s Catholic School, Guildford, Surrey Tel: 01483 534654
Consultant was extremely helpful and explained everything very clearly. She went at a good pace and was patient and understanding to those who were slower.
Fiona Redshaw (Teacher), Greenmount Primary Tel: 0113 2760771
An insightful, most useful day which has helped and supported colleagues within our school moving forward in their use and understanding of RAISEonline and FFT.
Ellen Beveridge (Deputy Headteacher), Durham Gilesgate Sports College And Sixth Form Centre Tel: 0191 3847505
Helpful course.
Emma Flawn (Headteacher), Camps Hill Primary School Tel: 01438 233800
It was fantastic to spend time analysing my data away from school with an expert watching over and advising.
Emma O’Brien (Headteacher), Bozeat Community Primary School Tel: 01933 663840
Very useful day.
Gaynor Tigue (Assistant Head), Cheetham Ce Community Academy Tel: 01617 405996
Excellent training day – Thank you – will be useful to “narrow the gap” whilst keeping up what we are doing well.
Florence Fineberg (Lead Ast), Fortismere School Tel: 020 8365 4400
This is informative, easy to follow and insightful.
Frances Newsome (Deputy Head), The Mcauley Catholic High School Tel: 01302 537 396
Very useful course for getting a good understanding of data and how to use/analyse.
Francesca Cave (Deputy Head), Westfield Primary School Tel: 01483 764187
Very enjoyable and informative course.
Gary Cook (Head of Sixth form), The Business Academy Bexley Tel: 0208 320 4800
Very well designed for our needs as a school.
Elizabeth Churton (Principal), Knottingley High School
School Info Tel: 01977 622 850
An opportunity to take time to thoroughly understand and access all areas of RAISe Online and FFT.
Georgina Mulhall (Deputyhead Teacher), Flying Bull Primary And Nursery School Tel: 023 9269 4313
I feel now more confident with Raiseonline data analysis and can understand it better and I am able to share it with my department.
Ghania McAlpine (Head of MFL), Business Academy Bexley Tel: 0208 320 4800
A very useful course that covered a lot in an hour.
Geraldine Collins (Deputy Head), St. Joseph’s Junior School
School Info Tel: 020 8202 5229
This is one of the most informative courses a Head teacher coud ever attend.
Gillian Marshal (Head Teacher), Colchester County High School Tel: 01206 576973
This course allowed me to move from novice to expert of RAISEonline in one day.
Graham Warnock (Assistant Headteacher), St Georges School Blackpool Tel: 01253 316752
Very good for developing understanding of the uses of RAISE and FFT to raise standards.
Helen Pegg (Acting Headteacher), Astley Primary School Tel: 01263 860212
A really informative course, with lots of practicle ideas for how ROL can be used to raise standards across school.
Hannah-Marie Way (Maths Co-ordinator), Cheetham C E Community Academy Tel: 01617 405996
It was incredibly useful to be able to interactively engage with relevant data whilst having step-by-step instructions.
Harriet Watkins (Assistant Head Teacher – Teaching and Learning), The Business Academy Bexley Tel: 0208 320 4800
The training provided an opportunity to look in more detail at the data. Using our own school data and the SWOT analysis support books was valuable in creating a clearer overview from which to work and move pupils on with appropriate support.
Helen Sowden (Deputy Head), Lethbridge Primary School Tel: 01793 535033
A thought provoking training session to allow school collaboratively and staff individually to develop high quality MAT provision. A host of resources which are useful for teachers and pupils in the classroom were shared.
Inez Burgess (Headteacher), Annfield Plain Junior School Tel: 01207 234531
Very informative session and a hands on approach to analysing our school data.
Hilary Kops & Rachel Purnell (Deputy Head of School), St Mark’s Tel: 01225 312661
Superb presentation linking the ofsted agenda to school data – really useful.
Iain Williams (Dep Head), Bradley Stoke community School Tel: 01454 868840
Useful and interactive course.
Ian Palumbo (Aht), Jfk Catholic School Tel: 01442 266150
A very good speedy run through of the ROL site with useful info for all those working in school.
Irene Ciapryna (Head), St. Joseph’s Junior School
School Info Tel: 020 8202 5229
An absolutely brilliant course. I feel empowered to engage with data now confidently. I recommend this for everyone who analyses data. A must for all school leaders.
Increase Eko (Deputy Headteacher), Kender Primary School Tel: 020 7639 4654
Excellent starting point for many and having time to work thorough things with an expert who could answer questions as they arose was really helpful. The friendly and infomred style added to it.
Jane Sherlock (Aht/Cpd), George Abbot School Tel: 01483 888000
An informative day with lots of useful opportunitie to talk weith other schools- well led and enjoyable.
Izzy Lewis (Keystage 1 English Leader), Flying Bull Primary School Tel: 023 9269 4313
Excellent course for new heads or those on NPQH.
Jacqui Sollars (Headteacher), Miserden C Of E Priamry School Tel: 01285 821463
Useful and informative, I feel much more confident about using school data to drive improvement.
Jaki Cole (Deputy Head), Downhills Primary School Tel: 020 8808 3231
Today has been very helpful in deepening our understanding of making the data in raise on line tell our school story.
Jane Clark (Head Teacher), Pelsall Village School Tel: 01922 682073
Excellent days training very beneficial to school data analysis.
Jane Dunworth and Steve Foot (Headteachers), Minet Junior School Tel: 01895 671973
The ability to hold the course in school enabled all staff to come together to undergo training, which was extremely useful and cost effective.
Irene Ciapryna (Headteacher), St. Joseph’s Junior School
School Info Tel: 020 8202 5229
I’m newly appointed to the role and the training gave a good overview to help analyse school data.
Jane Jestico (Deputy Headteacher), Chalkwell Hall Junior School Tel: 01702 478570
Very professional.
Jane Morris (Data .Ukofficer), Lincroft School Tel: 01234 822147
Thorough and accessible to all, including the data shy. Comprehensive but not over-whelming. Would recommend to anyone using Raiseonline.
Jane Sugden (Deputy Head Teacher), Corpus Christi Catholic College Tel: 0113 336 7540
The raise online training is excellent, essential for anyone who needs to analyse Raise online and make predictions using FFT. You’ll come away confident and able to use these products.
Janine Naylor (Assistant Head), Oliver Goldsmith Primary Tel: 020 7703 4894
Clear presentation which explained in easily understood steps how to interpret the data.
Janet Holden (Class Teacher/ English Co Ordinator), Our Lady Of Peace Junior School Tel: 01628 666715
A very useful tool to explain how to use this data source to find the relevant information for our school.
Joanne Miller (Sims Administration Manager), Colchester County High School For Girls Tel: 01206 576973
The Raiseonline training was very well planned, practical and interactive and kept me interested even at 7pm!
Jean Hopegood (Deputy Head), Sexeys Tel: 01749 813393
This course has allowed me to accurately write my SEF using data that HMI know and love.
Jean Moyser (Head Teacher), Flanshaw Jin Tel: 01924 303645
I have found the training useful. There was plenty of hands on time to investigate own data and to discuss with colleagues.
Jean Stewart (Deputy Head), Alverton Infant School
Link Tel: 01609 773524
Jeanette Kenyon (Deputy Head), St. Cuthbert’s Tel: 0151 228 4137
This course was excellent and opened a door to information that is available about our school.
Jennifer Cheng (Homemaker), Waingels College Tel: 0118 969 0336
It’s great to know how to make good use of the wealth of information that is just sitting there, available for us to use!
Jenny Hill (Deputy Head Teacher), Lucas Vale Primary School
School Info Tel: 020 8692 4660
The session really helped us to consider new ways to evidence our achievements and showed us a wide range of ways to use the Raise site.
Jenny Meara (Headteacher), Someries Infant School Tel: 01582 414545
Consultant was extremely knowledgeable and managed to put a positive spin on many aspects of our school data. We all have a better understanding of how to use it to maximize learning for children.
Jenny Wildgoose (Assistant Head), Cheetham Ce Community Acadeny Tel: 0161 740 5996
A worthwhile event to update colleagues.
Jo Edwards (Education Advisor), School Partnership Trust Academies Tel: 01302 37924
A well led day – providing plenty of food for thought!
Jane Thatcher (Assessment Co-Ordinator), Bellfield Junior School Tel: 01214 64 2895
A really useful training session which gave a good insight into the various reports that made me feel confident in telling the story of our data.
Jon Ward (Assistant Head), Isambard Community School Tel: 01793 705400
The presentation was detailed and small groups helped the day to be more personalised.
Josephine Tyrrell (Assistant Headteacher ), Neston High School Tel: 0151 336 3902
This course has really improved how I can use FFT and RaiseOnline to improve my school. The course was pitched at exactly the right level, good pace and working with your own school data was a great bonus.
Joy Squibb (Headteacher), St. John’S Primary School Tel: 02392 582404
Raise Online is an extremely helpful document once you find your way through it!!! Push through the pain threshold!
Justin Creasey Zara Flitton (Year 6 Teachers), St. Joseph’s R.C. Junior School
School Info Tel: 020 8202 5229
A very incisive and clear approach to a hugely complicated topic.
Julian Pass (Headteacher), Abbeymead Tel: 01452 371710
Helped us to focus on SIP work as well as Consultant being very patient with us.
Karen Stocks (Caretaker/Headteacher!!), Arundel Court Schools Tel: 023 9282 4893
The course was very useful. It kept you interested by being about our school and having hands on activities.
Julie Dalton (Teacher), St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School Tel: 01908 321746
Valuable support to an essential tool.
Julie Day (Sen Manager), Harrold Priory Middle School Tel: 01234 720346
I feel empowered!
Juliet Sexton (Senior Teacher), Lubbins Park Primary Tel: 01268 697181
The training was an excellent personalised learning experience!
Julia Hall (Head teacher), Frobisher Primary And Nursery School Tel: 01255 427073
Excellent facilitator.
Julie Jeanes (Deputy Headteacher ), Linwood School Tel: 01202 525107
Karen Horne (AHT), Montgomery Primary School Tel: 01392 285241
A comprehensive, informative training tailored to the needs of participants. Delivered skillfully and with a great sense of humour, thank you.
Karen Horne (Maths), Montgomery Primary Tel: 01214 649115
Very useful, practical course. Well presented, the presenter’s subject knowledge is excellent.
Karen Tucker (Deputy), Canvey Junior School Tel: 01268 682288
An excellent tool, so easy to use and user friendly when there’s no trainer guiding you.
Karen O’Byrne (Sen Support Teacher), Sandy Hill Academy Tel: 01726 75858
Really useful course.. well worth attending!
Karyn Hing (Head Teacher), Westfield Primary Tel: 01483 764187
Very useful to help demystify raiseonline.
Catherine Morgan (Assistant Head Teacher), Cleeve Park School Tel: 020 8302 6418
Very clear presentation helped me understand a wealth of reports and not get too bogged down by them all.
Katherine Curtis (Teacher), Greenmount Primary School Tel: 0113 2760771
Good, I enjoyed finding out how to analyse data across the primary phase.
Kathryn Bulmer (Foundation Stage Coordinator), Alverton Infant And Nursery School, Northallerton Tel: 01609 773524
Consultant Craine was fantastic – very professional, patient and informative. I know and understand so much more now.
Kathy Janzan (Deputy Head), The Magna Carta School Tel: 01784 454320
The training I received today was helpful and informative. I feel confident in using RaiseOnline now.
Kayleigh Doyle (Trainee Teacher), St Mary Magadalene Catholic Primary School Tel: 01908 321746
An exceelent day’s training-thought I knew about RoL and FFTbut hpw wrong I was!
Keith Denchfield (Data Lead), The North School Tel: 01233 614600
A superb afternoon that enabled curriculum leaders to engage with Raise online and begin the journey towards more informative use of data – superb presentation from extremely knowledgeable facilitator.
Kerry Blanchard (Assistant Headteacher Teaching and Learning), Formby High School Tel: 01704 873100
A very comprehensive course covering a lot of the detail in terms of school performance and providing relevance to our own school. I now have a far greater understanding of the areas that can be monitored via RAISE Online and as a result have more confidence to ask the right questions and to request the right data.
Kim Gray (Parent Governor), Waingels College Tel: 01189 690336
Enjoyed the days training. Found t to be very useful and the tutor was very engaging.
Kim Mills (Lead Assessment Administrator), Matthew Moss High School Tel: 01706 632910
A very useful course for a challenging part of the job.
Kirsty Holder (Head of Humanities Faculty ), Fortismere School Tel: 020 8365 4400
Very useful and informative – I feel much more confident at selecting the appropriate reports for my needs.
Laura Fairfield (Assistant Principal/KS1 Leader), Simpson’ Lane Academy Tel: 01977 722515
Thank you, this has moved our thinking to the next level.
Lesley Corbett (Headteacher), Baldwins Hill & Halsford Park Primary Schools Tel: 01342 324643
A very informative day.
Lesley Ironmonger (Headteacher), Waterloo Primary Tel: 01613 301280
An extremely informative day that helped me enhance my understanding.
Lisa Cowell (Directoe of Teaching and Learning), Priory Sports And Technology College Tel: 01772 320250
The course was practical and met our personal needs. The course was delivered by and experienced facilitator and adapted her content as required throughout the day.
Lindsay Dickinson (Deputy Head ), Crags Community School Tel: 01709 812729
Calm but effiecient training style from the leader, giving confidence to all learners.
Lisa Benson (Assistant Head Teacher), Harrold Priory Middle School Tel: 01234 720346
A very helpful, informative and interactive course!
Lisa Dixon (Assistant Head Teacher), Greenmount Primary School Tel: 01132 760771
A very useful course!
Lisa Dixon (Assistant Head Teacher), Greenmount Primary School Tel: 01132 760771
A very informative training session with lots of opportunities to work on my own school’s data.
Lisa Emmett (Deputy Headteacher), Spring Park Primary School Tel: 020 8777 2808
Today was very useful. I feel that I can confidently use data to help move our school forward. Thank you.
Lisa Gregory (Assistant Head), St Andrew’s Ce Primary Tel: 01353 720345
An excellent course – clear and concise.
Lisa Willis (Deputy Headteacher), Grinling Gibbons Primary
School Info Tel: 020 8692 4907
A very helpful and practical hands on course.
Liz Palmer (Headteacher ), Ashfield Valley Tel: 01706 522758
A clear presentation.
Lorraine Williams (Headteacher), Rush Grenn Infant School Tel: 020 8270 4940
This course was extremely useful in helping us to move forward with our data analyis – thank you!
Louise McArdle and Vicki Robinson (Headteacher and Deputyheadteacher ), Pikes Lane Primary School Tel: 01204 333633
Some very useful training and guidance about how to use a useful tool for school improvement.
Lucy Hall (Deputy Headteacher), Leyburn Community Primary School Tel: 01969 623187
This was very helpful for someone who has not used RaiseOnline before.
Lyn Adams (Assistant Head), Surrey Street Primary School Tel: 01582 748810
A great training day which reveals the multiplicity of uses that this dataset provides.
Lynne Hignett (Headteacher), St Michael’s Ce Junior School Tel: 01252 322933
Very useful course particulalry for more mature teachers who sometimes feel left behind in the technology field.
Margaret Hagan (Teacher Senco), St Sebastian’s Tel: 0151 260 9697
This course is excellent for any person wishing to know more about how data can present an image of their school and helpful in raising awareness of the issues faced.
Mandy Douglas (Assistant Headteacher for Foundation stage), Riverley Primary School Tel: 020 8539 4535
This was an informative session which not only made me more confident using RAISEonline, but will enable me to help train colleagues within my school.
Matt Woolard / Geraldine Blair (Deputy Headteacher / Headteacher), Hereward Primary School Tel: 0208 5086465
A very helpful and positive experience.
Margaret Brownlee (Head teacher), Redhill Junior School
School Info Tel: 01977 723040
A great course which really helped a novice to Raise!
Malcolm Waites (Head of Learning), Parrs Wood High School Tel: 01614 458786
The course was well presented and very intuitive.
Mark Ward (Systems Manager), Graham School Tel: 01723 366451
Really useful course – gave a great overview of both RAISEonline and FFT – amazing how much information is there if you know where to look.
Marilyn Reeves (Deputy Head Inclusions), New Road Primary School Tel: 01634 306000
Hour well spent.
Manjit Rai (Headteacher), North Beckton Primary Tel: 020 7473 3344
Very informative. It’s great to know where to go to back up our judgements!
Martin Butler (Assistant Headteacher), Lubbins Park Primary Tel: 01268 697181
Helped us to get to grips with Raise and FFT.
Martin McBeath & Sara Willoughby (Assessment Manager & Head of Education), Hook-With-Warsash Cofe Academy Tel: 01489 572393
This is useful as you can spend time exploring your school data wiht expert help on hand.
Mary Pike (Head Teacher), Christ Church Primary School Tel: 0208 660 7500
This was a clear and extremely valuable training session which certainly gave us a greater understanding of both RAISEonline and FFT.
Matt Woolard (Deputy Headteacher), Hereward Primary School Tel: 020 8508 6465
The training was specifically directed at key Ofsted criteria and explained in an easy to understand way. It provided a clear direction for future intervention. An excellent presentation, professionally delivered.
Marie Coleman (Assistant Head), Corpus Christi Catholic College Tel: 0113 3367540
Excellent! In a day, I feel so much more confident about analysing and interpreting Raise and FFT. Thank you.
Matthew Apsley (Head), Dormansland Primary School Tel: 01342 832359
Amazing, the muddy waters of data have become crystal clear – thank you!
Matthew Armstrong (Teacher), Askrigg Vc Primary School Tel: 01969 650331
A knowledgable presenter who explains information clearly.
Matthew Rees (Head of Arts), Harlington Community School Tel: 020 8569 1610
Really usefull. Many thanks.
Max Lunn (Director of Technology), Hartsdown Tel: 01843 227957
Really insightful training led by a thoroughly knowledgeable trainer.
Melanie Gee (Headteacher), Sacred Heart Primary Tel: 01215 571511
Outstanding piece of CPD all staff and Governors should do this.
Michael ClarKSon (Head Teacher), Leyburn Community Primary School Tel: 01969 623187
Really useful. Although I though I was competent at deciphering RAISE report, having training on the online resources has increased my undertsanding of issues within my own school and how we as a school can be proactive in addressing pupil needs.
Mike Harrison (Assistant Headteacher), St Andrew’S Ce Primary School, Soham Tel: 01353 720345
Thank you very much for a very well organised and efficiently run course. It was very useful and I will take back to school and implement what I have learned today.
Samaira Naz (Year 6 teacher and Writing Manager), St Edward’s Catholic Primary School Tel: 020 8472 4337
Fantasitc morning! Really practical hands on information 🙂
Mrs Jones (KS1 Teacher), Gwinear Community Primary School Tel: 01209 831303
Raise online data finally makes sense!!
Nichola Denniss (Head of Mathematics/Assistant Head Teacher), St Cleres School Tel: 01375 641001
This was a very valuable day, with oportunities to actually use the data effectively to inform school improvement. A well planned and well led day, Thank You
Mrs Sharon McKelvey (Deputy Head), Clifton Hill School Tel: 01883 347740
This is an outstanding course that covers everything you need with regards to assessing pupils effectively – amazing!
Natasha Pluckrose (Assistant Headteacher/ KS2 Phase Leader/ Assessment Manager), St Edward’S Catholic Primary School Tel: 020 8472 4337
Good balance of information and analysis for improving outcomes through SDP.
Neil Fortune (Deputy Headteacher), Isambard Community School Tel: 01793 705400
A good day. For those who are experiencing using FFT and Raise this course will help them a great deal.
Neil Mcdonald (Assistant Headteacher), Brayton High School Tel: 01757 707731
Very informative, well structured that will allow practical application in the field.
Niall Fallon (Assistant Head), Business Academy Bexley Tel: 0208 320 4800
My colleague and I found it very useful to be able to interpret and discuss our data as we learnt.
Nicolette Barrand (Headteacher), Thomas Arnold Primary School Tel: 020 82704588
Useful, informative, timely. Tel: 020 73856847
The training really did bring RAISEonline to life and accessible!
Nicola Foley (Deputy Headteacher), Formby High School Tel: 01704 873100
An excellent and indepth explanation of how to use Raise online to analyse our school data. I would highly recommend it!
Nikki Patel (Assessment Co-Ordinator), Bishop Bridgeman
School Info Tel: 01204 333466
The course made the somewhat daunting prospect of data accessible and useable for the future.
Paul Giannini (Head of Year 11), Mcauley Catholic High School Tel: 01302 537 396
I thoroughly enjoyed the course and recognised the importance of understanding your schools data in order to move a school forward. I will be definately going away from the course feeling more confident and equipped to make adjustments in my school ‘raising achievement’.
Patricia Andrews (Senior Teacher- Enrichment Achievement), Sarah Bonnell School
Tel: 0208 534 6791
An intense day which provided a much better understanding of how data is being used to judge schools and how our Department and School can make more effective use of data to inform strategies for improvement.
Paul Jenkins (Head of Mathematics), Fortismere School Tel: 020 8365 4400
A very informative and useful experience.
Paul Franks (Director of Learning), Brockhill Park Performing Arts College Tel: 01303 265521
Interesting and useful day.
P Smart (Dh), Bardfield Primary & Nursery School Tel: 01268 553488
The traininng provided catered for both the experienced and rookie. I have a much greater understanding of both these tools for my school.
Paul Mashinter (Deputy Headteacher), Carr Green Primary Tel: 01484 715969
A very useful, pertinent and interesting course. Fascinating and vital.
Paul Murdoch (Curriculum Leader Mathematics), McAuley Catholic High School Tel: 01302 537396
Nice to find the presenter could relate content of course to OFSTED expectations.
Paul Smith (Assistant Head), Sir Frederic Osborn School Tel: 01707 351350
An informative and engaging session that allows senior leadership to access essential data.
Paul Wildman (Assistant Headteacher), Lincroft School Tel: 01234 822147
Consultant was very knowledgeable and able to convey the information well.
Pauline (Assistant Headteacher), Bexley Business Academy Tel: 0208 320 4800
A rigorous & pacey day with no prisoners taken.
Peter Herbert (Head Teacher), Moordown St. Johns Ce Va Primary School Tel: 01202 527683
Extremely useful in helping me understand the practical application of all the data available now in school.
Peter Staddon (Assessment Manager), Curry Rivel Primary Tel: 01458 251404
The training has empowered me to empower my school to move forward with data as the driving force.
Rachael Downs (Aht), Four Dwellings Primary Academy Tel: 0121 464 3351
A days work well spent!
Philip Gray (Senior Teacher), Victoria College Jersey Tel: 01534 638200
Consultant is very patient and very helpful!
Rachel Dunn (Assistant Head), The Magna Carta School Tel: 01784 454320
Well pitched presentation that caters for those new to Raise Online and those needed a refresher.
Rashika Patel (Phase Leader), Preston Park Primary Tel: 0208 904 3602
The training was very comprehensive and the trainer made a potentially dry subject accessible and entertaining. Thankyou
Rebecca Smith (Headteacher), Barnabas Oley Coe Primary School Tel: 01767 677294
This is a highly informative course. The Trainer is incredibly knowledgeable, but ensures everyone on the course feels confident. I learnt a tremendous amount which will be invaluable to moving my school forward.
Rebecca Perman (Headteacher), Eastwood Primary School And Nursery Tel: 01702 525137
A very useful training day, which gives you the opportunity to explore the online tools.
Rhiannon Ellis-Davies (Deputy Headteacher), St. Michael’s Ce Junior School Tel: 01252 322933
The course has been really informative, which will benefit my classroom practice.
Richard Chapman (KS2 Teacher), Askrigg Primary School Tel: 01969 650331
Although a brief session extremely useful and well presented.
Richard Sammonds (Executive Headteacher), Crofton Schools Academy Trust Tel: 01689 821716
Michael took the time to take is gently through the day, outlining what we would be achieving, and checking throughout that we were happy with what we had done and whether we understood it. He was completely flexible and open to questions and answered them all fully. Colleagues felt able to ask about anything that they were unsure about and we all made great progress!
Robert Davenport (Assistant Headteacher), The Mountbatten School Tel: 01794 502 502
This course was excellent.Delivered to 16 Middle and Senior Managers it was a great blend of a guide to getting to grips with Raise and how it can be used at different levels to diagnose and improve performance.The course was given by an experienced educationalist who clearly was very up to date on ofsted requirements and so able to provide lots of useful tips as to what they might be looking for in our use of Raise.Tailored to our school and our requirements, it was very well received by all.
Rosalind Haydon (Assistant Head Teacher (Assessement)), Bedale High School Tel: 01677 422 419
A very knowledgeable trainer who was able to talk me through the on-screen forms in a way that was easy to follow.
Robert Kennedy (Head Teacher), St Michael’s CE (VC) Primary School Tel: 01202 290497
A great chance to really unpick each section of the document.
Samantha Cantini (Deputy Headteacher ), Flying Bull Primary School Tel: 023 9269 4313
An excellent training session that enables you to really get to grips with your school’s data. Training you don’t get with NPQH
Ross Newman (Headteacher), Tyndale Primary School Tel: 01454 867180
I thought this was a very insightful course and cannot wait to start looking at the data for our school, in order to improve standards.
Sajida Zaman (Assistant Head/Senco), Cheetham Cofe Community Academy Tel: 0161 740 5996
A very practical useful day.
Sally Stone (Acting Headteacher), West Burton Ce School Tel: 01969 663230
Great course and highly recommended.
RobinMarlin (Head), Balfour School Tel: 01273 507722
The training worked!
Roger Stone (Data Manager), Hartsdown Tel: 01843 227957
Interesting and a very steep learning curve. A very patient course leader made it bearable!
Sara Devo (Assistant Head), River House School Tel: 01564 792514
This was a very interesting and informative course.
Samantha Marriott (Senco), Woodcote Primary School Tel: 01530 417007
Good, practical inisght into accessing and analysing data.
Sana Iftikhar (Literacy Co Ordinator), Riverley Primary School Tel: 020 8539 4535
An excellent course which helps all aspects of school improvement and understanding the needs of the school.
Sandra Evans (Assistant Headteacher), Someries Infant School Tel: 01582 414 545
Using the schools data made the day worthwhile and also helps with the memory to retain where to find the pages.
Sandra Gibb (Headteacher), St George’s Beneficial C Of E Primary School Tel: 023 92822886
Fantastic course-interpreting rol is much much easier and meaningful.
Sanjana mihdi-din (Assessment leader), Vicarage Primary School Tel: 020 8472 1010
All has become clear now!
Sara Eley (Maths Subject Leader), Witherley Ce Primary Tel: 01827 712198
Excellent session that created even more questions about school performance.
Sam Read (Acting Deputy Headteacher), The Thomas Hepburn Community School Tel: 0191 420 4555
Really helpful course, which enabled me to develop a much better understanding of what RAISE online can be used for.
Sarah Edmondson (Class Teacher – Lower KS2 Team Leader), Cheetham Ce Community Acadeny Tel: 01617 405996
A very useful tool for leadership team and teachers.
Sarah Ball (Inclusion Manager/Senco), St. Joseph’s Junior School
School Info Tel: 020 8202 5229
A very useful day, I hadn’t realised the power of the online RAISE reports until today.
Sarah Keenlyside (Data Manager), St Michael’s Ce High School Tel: 01215 616881
Fantastic course – highly recommended!
Sarah Barker (Assistant Headteacher: Student Progress), Bradley Stoke Community School Tel: 01454 868840
An extremely useful day to support using data effectively.
Sarah Clark (Assistant Headteacher), Leyburn Cp School Tel: 01969 623187
Very useful in helping to understand how to read your data.
Sarah Harrison (Assistant Headteacher), Redriff Primary School Tel: 0207 237 4272
An excellent course to focus on the use of the interactive functionality of RAISEonline.
Sean Mcquillan (Deputy Headteacher), St Gregory’S Catholic Tel: 01892 527444
This course has help to clarify the complexities of FFT and Raise On line and I now feel much more confident in using this data to inform future provision and target setting in the school.
Sarah Wall (Deputy), St Pauls Catholic Primary School Tel: 023 9237 5488
I found the course very useful and thought provoking. Gave me lots of ideas for training development within the school.
Sharon Carter (Data Manager), Norlington School For Boys Tel: 020 8539 3055
Outstanding instructor, she was so patient and this will be invaluable to my time here.
Sharon Buchanan (Head of 6Th Form), Hartdown Tel: 01843 227957
An excellent course complete with relevant, up to date information and useful tips.
Sharon Crick (Deputy Head), Camrose Primary School Tel: 020 8952 3272
Thanks for the trining it was vry informative.
Sharon HinKSon (Govenor), Riveley Primary Tel: 020 8539 4535
Great,clear training wiith excellent 1:1 support. Excellent – Thank you!
Sharon Mullins (Assistant Head Teacher), Gateway Primary School Tel: 01993 842189
I’ve come away from this day with a real, hands-on understanding of how to use Raiseonline and FFT.
Sharon Lee (Headteacher), Frogmore Junior School Tel: 01252 873054
Course made it easier to understand the complications of ROL. Broke down 90 pgs into manageable sections.
Sheila Mouna (Head teacher), St Annes Tel: 0207 247 6327
Very worthwhile day.
Sharon Norris (Class Teacher Y6 / Slt), Heather Primary School Tel: 01530 260257
A really helpful and coherent course. Thank you.
Sophie Hewitt (Teacher), Moordown St. Johns Ce Va Primary School Tel: 01202 527683
A very knowledgable tutor, who knows the program inside out.
Simon Cox (Head of Pe), Fortismere School Tel: 020 8365 4400
Excellent hands-on training.
Simon Mcconway (Acting Head), Pheasant Bank Academy Tel: 01302 868252
The course was very insightful and delivered really clearly and comprehensively.
Sinead Ruane (Teacher), St Mary Magadalene Catholic Primary School Tel: 01908 321746
Very informative, highly recommended in all aspects of training and understanding the breadth of information to be gleaned from Raiseonline.
Sobia Malik (Education Consultant), Independent Consultant
The trainer was extremely knowledgeable and made us feel extremely comfortable – was very accommodating.
Sonia Mcfarlane (Headteacher), St James Hatcham Ce Primary Tel: 020 8692 4937
An extremely useful course, where indepth discussions can take place.
Sharon Robinson (Headteacher), Alverton Infant And Nursery School Tel: 01609 773524
Fantastic training – I did not know anything about FFT or RAISEonline but now I feel confident in my analysis of data!
Stephen Kelly (Head of Year ), St Gregory’S Catholic Science College Tel: 020 8907 8828
An outstanding afternoon delivered with clarity, enthusiasm and great detail. A hugely rewarding CPD session for all involved.
Steve Cook (Assistant Headteacher), Formby High School Tel: 01704 873100
Well prepared resources and individualised to our school!
Steve Cox (Assistant Headteacher), Nottingham Bluecoat Tel: 0115 929 7445
Clear and purposeful explanation of data that, at first glance, may appear confusing.
Susan Hunt (Assistant Head), St. Peter’s C Of E Primary School
School Info Tel: 01287 676210
This course has all the answers you need for that meeting with OFSTED on data, highly recomended if your new to Raise on Line analysis.
Steve Tickle (Deputy Heateacher), St. Philip Howard Catholic School Tel: 01457 853 611
A very worthwhile course for all levels of knowledge – an opportunity to reflect on how and why the school uses data.
Sue Hunt (Deputy Head), Wilmington Grammar School For Girls Tel: 01322 226351
The course was extremely useful as a first step in ensuring all members of our senior leadership team are a data literate team.
Steve Mort (Head Teacher), Corpus Christi Catholic College Tel: 01133 367540
An intense four and a half hours that whizzed by and left me with a very helpful list of what I now need to go and do.
Susan Moss (Deputy Headteacher), Colchester County High School for Girls Tel: 01206 576973
Very informative. Delivered at an appropriate pace with time to discuss and ask questions.
Susan Price (Teacher), Mytchett Primary School Tel: 01252 544009
The hours training was good for highlighting further training needs.
Tamara Fletcher (Deputy), Warren Road Primary Tel: 01689 853798
We found the data daunting at the start of the course but have a much better understanding now.
Teresa Goble (Governor), Bevendean Primary School Tel: 01273 681 292
A very interesting day with lots of useful information which will help to take the school forward.
Tony Ahmet (Headteacher), Winterbourne Nursery And Infant School Tel: 020 8689 7684
Excellent presentation. Presenter, Consultant, very knowledgeable.
Thomas Killworth (KS3 Science Coordinator and Head of Year), Bishop Walsh Catholic School Tel: 01213 513215
Very useful training .
Tim Godfrey (Deputy Head Teacher), Annfield Plain Junior School Tel: 01207 23 4531
The training has been invaluable for me today. It is great to know that i also have access to online support and phone call support should I need it at any time. Thankyou so much.
Theresa O’Hara (Headteacher), Pearl Hyde Community Primary School Tel: 024 7661 0165
The raise online course is a must to try to track progress, attainment and achievement in your school. It will definitely help you improve progress across the school.
Vivi Henderson (Teacher), St Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School Tel: 01908 321746
A very worthwhile course that will have immediate impact on current practice.
Tracey Storey (Deputy Head), East Stanley School Tel: 01207 233611
Very informative and knowledgeable trainer – thank you!
Trudi Manicom (School Business Manager), Chalkwell Hall Junior School Tel: 01702 478570
A few training hours well spent – which in turn will save hours of manual data tracking. A must for all schools!
Val Bezant (Assistant Head), Greensted Junior School Tel: 01268 553359
This was an excellent day – thankyou.
Vanessa Payne (Head Teacher), Kitwell Primary Tel: 0121 476 0694
Informative, useful and empowering.
Tracey Caffull (Headteacher), Great Bentley Primary School Tel: 01206 250331
An indepth training session helping you to understand and apply rigorous academic tracking across your school.
Yassar Sadiq (Head of KS4 Academic Performance), Norlington School Tel: 020 8539 3055
Exactly what I needed!
Susan Pillinger (Head Teacher), St Dennis CP School Tel: 01726 822546
Data made easy.
Alison Hough (Vice Principal), Palace Fields Academy Tel: 01928 716521
Alex Holmes (Head of House), Hartsdown Technology College Tel:01843 227957
A very useful day thank you! Highly recommended.
Judith Evans (Head of Science), Thornden School Tel: 02380 269722
Excellent course, highlighted features of Raise and FFT that I don’t currently use.
Brian Pratt (Assistant Head Teacher), Bromford’s School Tel: 01268 471201
Excellent, opened up a new source of useful info.
Marian Laklia (Data Officer), Cleeve Park School Tel: 020 8302 6418
A very interesting day with lots of useful information which will help to take the school forward.
Tony Ahmet (Head Teacher), Winterbourne Nursery and Infant School
Website Tel: 020 8689 7684
Data demystified.
Ali Beecham (Vice Principal), Everest Community Academy Tel: 01256 465547
A superb day,very intense but well delivered so it wasn’t a chore to be there.
Dave Dupont (Deputy Head), Dove House School Tel: 01256 351555
Clear objectives sent before hand, well-timed presentation with plenty of time for one to one Q & A.
Elinor James (Data Manager), Humphry Davy School Tel: 01736 363 559
Excellent opportunity to ideally learn more about our students.
Andy Davies (Assistant Head teacher), Varndean School Tel: 01273 561 281
A very useful and helpful course.
Anthony White (Head of Teaching & Learning), Ladock Primary School Tel: 01726 882622
Dread data analysis but this course proved that it was very useful. The course was interesting and relevant. I now understand much more about data and its uses.
Julie Wood(Teacher/Senco), Newlyn School Tel: 01736 363509
A great course which will help all teachers to focus more on the target setting process. All teachers can understand more the corporate responsibility for standards.
Jacqui Davies (Deputy Head Teacher), St. Sebastian’s School Tel: 01344 772427
A very informative day.
Sarah Conant (Head Teacher), Peckover School Tel: 01945 584741
Great day and lots of useful information.
Johanna Connolly (Ict and Data Coordinator), Bardfield Primary and Nursery School Tel: 01268 553488
A super stepped approach for learning.
Alison Shearer (Head Teacher), St Nicholas C of E Primary School Tel: 01253 608900
A very useful and informative day.
Sarah Carter (Teacher), Summercourt CP School Tel: 01726 860551
Excellent training session,very useful with the ever changing demands from OFSTED. Helps to make real sense of RAISE as a powerful tool for school leadership and management.
Vyvyan Lovell (Head Teacher), Trewidland Primary School Tel: 01503 240275
Excellent course, well presented even if topic is not very fun. The trainer was bright and the course well delivered.
David Bradbury (Head of Business), Offerton School Tel: 0161 484 2567
A very useful, informative day. Very practical.
Anita Samani (Deputy Head teacher), Byron Court Primary School Tel: 020 8904 2785
An informative insight into data analysis and its meaning.
Tara Reynolds-Hart (KS2 Teacher), Bruton Primary School Tel: 01749 812331
An excellent insight.
Arthur Raymondh (Head Teacher), Durham Gilesgate Sports College Tel: 0191 3847505
This is a very useful course for all leaders.
Helen Townson (Head Teacher), Abbas & Templecombe Primary Tel: 01963 370 481
Outstanding instructor, she was so patient and this will be invaluable to my time here.
Sharon Buchanan (Head of 6th Form), Hartdown School Tel: 01843 227957
Fantastic morning! Really practical hands on information
Mrs Jones (KS1 Teacher), Gwinear School Tel: 01209 831303
This course will make a real difference to the work that I do in school. I will be able to target support for pupils and empower teachers.
Sarah Kerswell (Headteacher), Hanborough Manor C of E School Tel: 01993 881 446
A thoroughly interesting, engaging and informative course, which has taught me huge amounts.
Claire Fairburn (Assistant Head teacher), Frankley Community High School Tel: 0121 464 9901
Very helpful and informative.
Hayley Minnaar (2nd In Charge of Key Stage 3), Hartsdown Technology College Tel: 01843 227957
A very thorough exploration of the service provided by Raiseonline.
Tracey Whelan (Deputy Head Teacher), Heath Park School Tel: 01902 556360
Very worthwhile.
Ralph Wright (Deputy Head Teacher), King Arthurs School Tel: 01963 32368
RAISEonline has never been more fun!
Peter Kendrick (Deputy Head teacher/Ict Manager), Kitwell Primary School Tel: 0121 476 0694
Very informative.It’s great to know where to go to back up our judgements!
Martin Butler (Assistant Head Teacher), Lubbins Park Primary Tel: 01268 697181
RAISEonline made simple!
Mrs Dianne Moran (Principal), Palace Fields Academy
Website Tel: 01928 716521
Our in-house training provided all of our Extended SLT with an opportunity to have a clear overview of RAISEonline and FFT and how to interpret data in a useful and strategic way.
Andrew Portas (Deputy Head Teacher), The Mountbatten School Tel: 01794 502502
Now I can be up to speed with the inspectors! I feel I have a far better understanding of raise and FFT now and will be able to use this to assist and lead further school improvement.
Alison Whitney (Head Teacher), Newlyn School Tel: 01736 363509
Lucid and empowering.
Phil Morley (Assistant Head Teacher), Newlyn School Tel: 01736 363509
RAISEonline demystified!
David Hardman (Second In Maths), Offerton School Tel: 0161 484 2567
We found this extremely useful, easy to follow and will undoubtedly be invaluable back at school.
Rachel Carter (Head Teacher), Sandy Hill Academy Tel: 01726 75858
It was very useful to get the handouts that can task us through the things ofsted ask of the data.
Sara Morgan (Head Teacher), Monega Primary School Tel: 02084 720533
Very useful. I now feel confident in my use of RAISE and the data it provides.
Wayne Randle (Deputy Head Teacher), Redruth School Tel: 01209 203700
Very richly resourced presentation.
Andy Howe (Head Teacher), Rochford Priary and Nursery School Tel: 01702 544 342
A good course that really helps to build confidence.
Simon Langton (Assistant Head), West Hatch School Tel: 01227 463567
Clear demonstration, good practical training.
Hayley Davis (Teacher), Sandy Hill Academy Tel: 01726 75858
An excellent tool, so easy to use and user friendly when there’s no trainer guiding you.
Karen O’Byrne (Senior Support Teacher), Sandy Hill Academy Tel: 01726 75858
The course was informative and well presented.
Eleanor Chorley (Science Teacher), Sexey’s School Tel: 01749 813393
This training was so user friendly and tailored to our class, cohort and school individual needs it was easy for everyone to follow and the consultant was fantastic at ensuring we all had time to gain all the information we needed.
Bridget Rundle (Head of KS2, Assessment Co-Ordinator), Sandy Hill Academy Tel: 01726 75858
I wish I had this training when I was a new headteacher, it has helped me to make sense of the data and will enable me to use it to make much more impact on schoolimprovement. I will recommend to other heads and hope to send my Senior Leadership Team on the same course.
Alison Simpson (Head Teacher), Tewin Cowper C of E Primary School Tel: 01438 717378
Excellent level of help and support.
Katrina Mccarthy (Head of House), Sexey’s School Tel: 01749 813393
This has really helped us as an SLT become more aware of the tools avaliable to us to help perpare for OFSTED and school improvement.
Toni Lester (Assistant Head Teacher), Rotherfield Primary School Tel: 020 7226 6620
Jeanette Kenyon (Deputy Head Teacher), St.Cuthbert’s School Tel: 01512 60 969
FFT training was very interesting,informative and very clear. A must for all school staff!
Anne Tryhorn (Assistant Head Teacher), St Mary’S Catholic, Penzance Tel: 01736 364385
My colleague and I found it very useful to be able to interpret and discuss our data as we learnt.
Nicolette Barrand (Head Teacher), Thomas Arnold Primary School Tel: 02082 0704588
This was presented at a level I could understand!
Kim Pollard (Literacy Co-Ordinator), Thomas Willingale School Tel: 0208 508 7287
Step by step training that helps you to fully understand raiseonline.
Vivienne Stone-Fewings (Associate Principal), Tudor Grange Academy Worcester Tel: 0121 705 5100
Facilitator was very clear and supported each participant with issues as they arose.
Andrea Lapham (Executive Head), Veryan & Ladock C of E School Tel: 01872 501431
A very well focused and informative session. Excellent. Thank you.
Jenny Stratton (Deputy Head), Westdene Primary School Brighton
Website Tel: 01273 294900
Very clear trainer who was very knowledgable, reassuring and patient.
Helen Bretherick (Deputy Head), Winterbourne N & I School Tel: 020 86897684
I feel 99% more confident than I did before the training course. Obviously I cannot be certain I will retain it all but the amount I have learnt in one day is immense. I am very grateful for the training opportunity and feel it is well worth the money.
Joanne Bruce (Foundation Learning Coordinator), The Matthew Arnold School Tel: 01784 45727
The course was specifically tailored to the needs of our school. The trainer turned up in good time, was extremely professional and delivered to a high standard. All participants were happy with the training and we would definitely recommend the service to other schools. It did the job perfectly, and senior staff now feel much more confident with RAISE and FFT.
Andy Lucas (Head Teacher), Glencoe Junior School Tel: 01634 829009
An excellent training session that has enabled me to understand the different aspects of RoL and how we can use it to improve our attainment and progress.
Lynda Collins (Deputy Head), Thomas Willingale School Tel: 0208 508 7287
“It can be difficult to get to grips with a program when you are busy and this course, in one day, has saved me months of work.If you want a deeper understanding of Raiseonline and FFT then this is the course for you “
Carla Stone (Data Manager and Timetabler), Torpoint Community College Tel: 01752 812511
I found this training session invaluable. I now know so many ways in which to analyse the data and set targets.
Emma Squires (Assistant Head Teacher), Rotherfield Primary School Tel: 02072 266620
Working with the rest of team, practising in raise pon line was really valuable.
Gareth Hughes (Deputy Headteacher), Varndean School Tel: 01273 565281
Working with the rest of team, practising in raise pon line was really valuable.
Gareth Hughes (Deputy Headteacher), Varndean School Tel: 01273 565281
This training is excellent.I now feel more confident with using Raise Online and Fischer Family Trust.
Gemma Holland (Teacher, Maths Co-Ordinator), St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School Tel: 02088 766679
Fantastic Overview of systems we use in school.
Jane Hornshaw (Deputy Head / Senco), Bridlington School Tel: 01262 672 593
This has been a most helpful and enlightening afternoon. It has removed quite a few mysteries!!
Janice Dykes (Deputy Head Teacher), Coombe road Primary School Tel: 01273 707878
The raise online training was very well planned, practical and interactive and kept me interested even at 7pm.
Jean Hopegood (Deputy Head), Sexey’s School Tel: 01749 813393
Very useful opportunity to explore the detail behind Raiseonline and FFT calculations etc.
Jo Sullivan (Data Analyst), Knights Templar School Tel: 01462 620700
This training is excellent! I am now much more confident in using Raise Online and FFT. It is going to save me a lot of time and help with my professional duties and help me to raise standards even further.
Jo Piacquadio (Teacher, KS1 Leader, Inclusion Manager), St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Primary School Tel: 020 8876 6679
Training was very informative and opened our eyes to data that already exists that we can access for several purposes. A great day that brought a possibly dry subject to life! Was delivered in an excellent manner.
Colette Firth (Executive Head Teacher), St John’S Primary School, Winyates Tel: 01733 234185
Extremely valuable training.
Kathryn Williams (Teacher), St. Mary’s Magdalene R C Combined Tel: 02088 761326
Fantastic course which has given me a great overall insight into Raise on Line!
Katie Wright,Tewin Cowper Primary School Tel: 01438 717378
Latha Dias (Head of Year), Winterbourne Infant School Tel: 02086 897684
Our trainer has been very supportive and gave a lot of advice regarding to ofsted and data.She was positive, informative and shared a great deal of expertise.
Sarah Thompson (Deputy Head Teacher), Hanborough Manor School Tel: 01993 881 446
Simply the best course I’ve ever been on! So useful – I now feel confident in using Raiseonline.
Louise Gilbert (Head Teacher), Polperro Primary School Tel: 01503 272 249
Great course and highly recommended.
Robin Marlin (Head), Balfour School Tel: 01273 507722
Our trainer was fantastic. Having the course at our school and therefore personalised using our data saved so much time and engaged the staff. It was great to hear the animated discussions about the children and attainment. I am sure it will make a significant difference for the children in our school.
Nicky Barrand (Headteacher), Thomas Willingale School Tel: 0208 508 7287
This was a superb course and I would highly recommend it.It was fantastic to spend dedicated time really getting to grips with how these websites can impact on my work in school and the superb knowledge, patience and effective communication style of the trainer made it a very good use of a day. I would definitely recommend it!!
Sue Johnson (Assistant Teacher), Humphry Davy School Tel: 01736 363559
For a school already achieving very high standards, what we have learned today will enable use to raise our standards further, save a great deal of time setting targets and identifying pupils for intervention.
Rosemarie Jones (Headteacher), St. Mary Magdalene Tel: 020 7697 0123
This course has given me much greater confidence to oversee the tracking and monitoring of groups of students, to have specific areas on which tofocus to raise attainment and progress, and to prepare for OFSTED.
Zara Tippey (Vice Principal), City of London Academy Islington Tel: 020 7226 8611
This was an excellent session, which really gave our SLT an opportunity to begin to explore how RAISE can help support our students.
Anthony Ellul (Assistant Head Teacher), St.James School Tel: 02073 481777
A very thorough exploration of the service provided by Raiseonline.
Joanna Quinn & Clare Scragg (Headteacher & Deputy Headteacher), Wooden Hill Primary School Tel: 01344 421117
Time for a thorough in-depth chance to look at the data with an expert at hand.
Tim Litchfield (Deputy Head Teacher), The Bishop’s Stortford High School Tel: 01279 868686
Tutor very well informed and helpful.
Stewart Francis (School Governor), Philip Morant School and College Tel: 01206 545222
The course achieved its stated aims and enabled me to have greater confidence in navigating around the site as well as interpreting the data.
Merron Archer (SENCO), Highweek Community Primary School Tel: 01626 216300
There is so much to take in but the clarity of delivery and explanation helped us to formulate a clear “data story” for our school.
Peter Heath (Head of School Improvement), Forest Gate Primary School Tel: 0161 775 4356
A very well focused and informative session. Excellent. Thank you.
Emma O’Brien (Headteacher), Bozeat Community Primary Tel: 01933 663840
A helpful day.
Julie Aukland (Sims Exams and Assessment Manager), The Voyager Academy Tel: (01733) 383888
An excellent use of time and stimlus for discussions and interventions back at school.
Louise Bauer (Deputy HT), Queensbridge – Visual and Performing Arts School Tel: 0121 464 5566